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I appreciate the feedback and understand your interest in this feature. It is certainly something we've considered a number of time. Eventually we will move email comments into a storage system with reviews. However, that is the only means to disallow public posting of a review. It becomes both difficult and confusing for reviewers to keep track of the options. Which item wants public or private... and since it is the reviewer who spends the time sending feedback, we do feel it is up to them how they receive credit for the time spent. Namely, public reviews have the ability to receive more exposure and more GPs for the reviewer than does a private review. In any event, it would not be fair to a reviewer to do a review only to notice after the review must be private only. Thus, a clear and "loud" indicator must be given to the reviewer. So in summation, we'll eventually get better storage for the comment-only contents... but it is not likely that we add an additional option to specifically exclude a work from receiving a public review. Best wishes, ~~SM