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I am creating a webpage for another member: Vivian . I noticed links similiar to these above the page: Since it is Viv's page, I wondered if they would take me to her stuff or to mine. Well, as you know they take me to my stuff. Well, then I logged off to see if those links are displayed on the public view of the page and discovered that they are. I would suggest that considering the purpose of a webpage, these are not appropriate links to have at the top of the page. I would suggest replacing them with a link to the main writing.com page. I know that the WDC image takes us there but a link that says even just Writing.Com would be good at the top of the webpages. Instead of the portfolio link taking us to our own portfolio, how about a link to "The Author's Portfolio" or something like that with it taking us directly to the portfolio of that member . . . in this case Viv. So my suggestion in a nutshell is that your links that are displayed above the webpages be changed so that they direct viewers to places that would be appropriate for them to go . . . to benefit that page "owner" and you. It would be a good place for a "Join Writing.Com Today" link! "Meet Vivian Zabel" is the page that I am working on. BTW -- on the subject of links, when I first created the pretty light blue box style links that are on the left side of this page, it turned all your links at the top and bottom of the page into pretty light blue box shaped links. I didn't think that you would like this so I took them out temporarily until I could figure out how to make it so that didn't happen. I did figure it out . . . after searching the web for answers . . . but I thought I would go ahead and bring this to your attention. It scared the bageebers out of me . . . I had no idea what I had done!! Again, let me say: I love Writing.Com!! I love it!! I want to be here for the rest of my life!! "rambling ruwth's reviews" [ASR] by ruwth ARTICLE REVIEWS! Want a constructive review of an article in your port? Post request here! |