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Okay, I brought up this issue a while back, but my solution back then was a bit unrealistic. This time I have a better idea. The issue I brought up before was that, if a whole bunch of people are working together on an interactive story, and then the author's account gets deleted or something, then all the work that the other people did will be lost forever. That's fine for the author themself, but not so much for the other people who put their time into writing the story as well. Last time I suggested that one of the admins take over all the stories of deleted accounts, but I figured that that really isn't a reasonable option. So here's what I think might work out: If an interactive item is deleted, be it by the account getting deleted or just the item itself, there should be some sort of "storage bin" that it gets put into instead of just vanishing. This bin should be accessible by anyone on WDC, and once an item is in there, any user will be able to claim ownership of said item and rescue it from being deleted. I think items should sit there for maybe a week or two, and if nobody moves them to their portfolio before that time is up, then they will get deleted for real. Ideally, there could be an option below the "email me when someone adds to this story" buttons that will allow you to recieve an email if the item is moved to the storage bin, but this option would be just an extra. I think that a solution like this would greatly benefit people who enjoy contributing to interactive stories, but don't want to see all their hard work go to waste if the author goes and breaks a rule that gets them deleted. |