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Graphic Novels have become a huge genre nowadays. My sister and I both read them and my sis loves to draw and write them. However, the way image uploading works on this site is a bit tedious to support a graphic novel. I suppose a photo album would work, one page of the graphic novel per photo, but one must maintain a premium membership to do this. Sites like Deviant Art support graphic novels fairly well, but that site does not have as many users or readers as WdC has. Graphic Novels are as much about the writing as the artwork, and I think WdC has the perfect opportunity to help amateur Graphic Novelists get their stories out there. I was wondering first if there was a way to modify the image uploading process to make the creation and presentation of a graphic novel on this site easier? And secondly, if "Graphic Novel" could be added to the genre list? Thank you for the consideration. Emily Honored to be a Captain of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" ** Image ID #1872437 Unavailable ** Want to get inside the head of a teenager? Check out my blog: "Invalid Item" : What happens when Cowboys meet Pirates? ** Image ID #1870601 Unavailable ** Click me to find out. |