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???? TEFF HAS Twelve years on WDC! FORUM keeps ADC records. |
SimilaR intro in progress. Note: "Invalid Item" ![]() Spring intro --- ebooks, short stories still there. May 8, 2012/Tues --- Welcome to FANDANGO SPRING!!! FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG ... ALSO @ PREVIOUSLY ON FANDANGO SPRING: "Weahterwise? Oh word on the street, overcast, rainy, heavy white skies. Maybe methane, metals, oh phooey, a toxic chemical, carcogenic mix .... south east of fracking @ eight knots. Air pollution here causes red skin. The smog cloud, which is not fog or smog just skies horizon north by eyesight stats is pure white until a weak sun causes a non blue white, with white on more white. This oddity burns off with sunshine, makes persons dizzy & lethargic, sleepy, arthritic ... so the best of the times when we lose our sense of smell." So how does one analyze what is in this second white sky spring? Who has that info? Where to find such a thing. Oh my. Never tempt a reporter in the mawning early. Please. Okay ... here we go. Nice to meet cha. llllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllll SEE: http://community-2.webtv.net/PaulaLaRue/FICTIONFANDANGOA Closing edits underway. Previously on FICTION FANDANGO! APRIL 10, TWENTY-TWELVE Readers, you are entering ... a spate of versified content. Below during 2011 some essays were scripted for prompts. There is no current assoc with any contests on this site, other than the realm of TEFF Contests Past. Enjoy, laugh if you will. FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG IS ALMOST FULL. THUS, no comment section. Ah well. Not interested in whether one reads this blog or not, actually. Not interested in (gulp) feedback either. The life of the comma has it's limitations, me thinks. A ranter and a raver, a confessed vent forever blogger/ writer by nature whom is easily angered should dissuade the fuzzy-feel footed before yon fellowship goes pink at the ears like bunnies with holes in their baskets. And yeah, thass as good as it gets. This blog shall not last too much longer. Yeah, tis indeed decent of y'all to drop by again this year. Previously .... WELCOME TO FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG During the autumn of 2010, the owner of this blog spot: teffom@writing.com (NOT my only online spot) opts to place several short stories on Kindle Direct Publishing. In order to reach those stories, many of which were kept under wraps since copyright date of 2005-2009, are easily viewable for purchase or for free borrowing from Kindle Select, a newer Amazon.com program, promoting authors' wares. To search in Bing or other Search Engines --- do this: Type: KINDLE STORE MARY MOFFETT EBOOKS Also hit: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&fiel... Temporary blog renovations in progress .... to be compatible with webtv webpages owned by Mrs. Mary Moffett ... coming soon FEB 2012. Ed note: Thanks for stopping buy, your reading visits and interests in the non-fiction side of these blogs (below) is most appreciated. To speak directly to me: email --- teffom@writing.com. FICTION available in short story genre/ comedy/ vampire/ romance,etc. Open for ALL handheld purchase. THANK YOU AMAZON!! THE RIPPER RETURNS TO WHITECHAPEL COURT http://amazon.com/dp/BOO5IYFGVQ A TREE FOR IDA QUINCY --- 2004 http://amazon.com/dp/BOO5VABG9I PETAL PINK LAMBORGHINI ROSE http://amazon.com/dp/BOO5UXT2SS BOSTON HARBOR'S SEQUESTERED TEA http://amazon.com/dp/BOO62ZIBKO http://www.amazon.com/HARBORS-SEQUESTERED-VAMPIRE-CHRONICLES-ebook/dp/B0062Z1BK0... GREENSLEEVES VON BROOM UPDATES in progress. ROMANCE ON THE BAY OF FUNDY http://amazon.com/dp/BOO5IWDIYU 'em out. Sample paragraphs courtesy of Amazon via KINDLE DIRECT PUBLISHING WEE HOOO!!!! Then, won't YOU please purchase an e-book from somebody as outspoken & dedicated as me. Thank you. HAPPY SPRING!! SO, OCCUPY? --- ON TO 2012! VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Note: If visiting my portfolio at wdc --- http://www.wrting.com Go to: http://www.writing.com/teffom/authors Ahah the outline grew like mold on a stale beer ... We MIGHT talk about WRITERS WAR, a war with writers as victims, no bullets ... again this year. Cordially, Blessed BE! (OF LAST DEC: TEFF aka Mary Moffett HAPPY as hell to type up in here as FANDANGO fades in the final hours of TWENTY ELEVEN, A TOUGH TUMULTUOUS YEAR) My Blog URL: http://www.Writing.Com/authors/teffom/blog NEXT CLEANING BLOG Fiasco contest posts on the WAVE |