Share your creations and get advice for this feature! The Slider Party is on! |
In order to breathe some life into this forum, I've decided to throw a two week Slider Party next month. It's an unofficial birthday celebration event with the dual purposes of having fun and seeing some new portfolios. This post will cover everything you need to know about this party. PARTICIPATE Want to join in on the fun? Here are the things you'll want to do to nab the goodies at hand. Make at least 5 Sliders snapshots. That is the minimum number needed to be eligible for goodies. There is no maximum limit! Instructions can be found in the forum header if you've never made a slider snapshot. Want to start by making one in your own portfolio? Make sure you have at least 40 words on your board so that anyone who decides to springboard off yours has a variety of words to use. To keep things at least semi-controlled, please enter at least 5 snapshots in a post. All ratings are welcome! (Yes, sliders have ratings.) There is no theme for the sliders to follow. Use your imagination and have fun! So who can participate? Simply put, EVERYONE! Sliders are open to all members of every case color and membership level. Creating sliders does not impact your portfolio space, so registered users and up can make lots of Sliders. GOODIES! No party is complete without some goodies for all the guests. Here's what you can get at the Slider Party. 100 GPs per slider in your own port (that you create) 500 GPs per slider you create in another person's port 1500 GP bonus if you create sliders in 5 or more unique portfolios merit badges for funniest and most creative sliders as well as visiting the most portfolios to create sliders mystery favors that can pop up anytime during the party! So get your sliders ready 'cause it's about to go down on September 1. Hope to see you at the Slider Party! For all your quirky needs, stop by the "Gift Stop" [ASR] |