Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
Write "Year in Review: Writing" blog post. I'm going to have to read over again just before posting, just make sure there's no tidbits to add, but it's done. Write "Year in Review: Reading" blog post. I'm actually thinking I'll post this one a day early, on the 2nd or maybe the 1st. In any case, it's completely ready to go. Read fellow WYRM's revised final three chapters and send thoughts. Definitely a good revise; I told him so. Review Salvatore's Rise of the King. And I even got it posted to the reviewing site. Review Koontz's Saint Odd. Ditto. Vomit draft Isaiah, Chapter Two. And I got it worked into what I'd call a "rough draft." Review a newbie. Oh! This was great! I'm so, so glad I did this! And that's not all I got done. I revised a story based on two WYRM reviews and got it re-posted. Now I'm sitting on a review of the revise that's given me even more splendid ideas, but I'm feeling I need to let it rest a bit. I also went ahead and did a real WYRM review—two of the same chapter, actually, as when I came to post the first review I discovered a major revise in the chapter's place. So I reviewed the revise as well. Finally, I got a plan for the year. I even typed the argument I had with myself about it, as I had the argument with myself, and since I was able to make it comprehensible as I went along, I polished up the argument and I’m calling it a "Dear Me" entry. As you can see, it has been a majorly productive week. Frighteningly productive. And I know it's because I built momentum off of having structured goals each week. I can't express how grateful I am to've had this forum. I wanted to get a lot done in January, and this forum helped me make it happen—and then some. But now I'd like to bask a bit in the glow of a January that exceeded my hopes for productivity. That and I wouldn't feel right about having just two goals each week, and one of them quite vague: 1.) Do a WYRM review. 2.) Work on Isaiah. I could make the second one less vague, but I'm at the point in it where I just want to see what happens, at what pace. I'll be back when I have more specific goals, and need the structure again. I'm so glad to know this forum's here! Chy ** Image ID #1264233 Unavailable ** |