A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
Welcome songecho! One of the best things about this community, in my opinion, is the give and take that happens here. The best way to get reviewed is to also review. Often, if you review someone's piece, the will return the favor for you Yes, GPs are great to offer as well, and the amount is dependent first on how many GPs you have. As a newbie, you probably have few to give, and most people understand that. That's why it's great to start off reviewing other people's things....you'll earn GPs (and even see what people generally offer in return for reviews) and you'll start to develop relationships with people, which will help you get to your goal of getting reviewed. It's like the water cycle that "...goes round and round...vapor goes up and the rain comes down... (not sure if you know this song...it's for kids...and now it's stuck in my head. Yippee! ) And as a newbie, you may find this place is confusing and overwhelming. That's totally understandable. Know that everyone here is friendly and helpful, so never be afraid to ask questions. If you're looking for a couple newbie forums, try "The Newbies Academy Group" and "Newbies Academy Registration - OPEN" . I'm intrigued by your idea of using song lyrics to tell stories. What genre of music to you listen to? Do you find that certain types of songs inspire you more than other? I'm a music lover myself and find that all sorts of music inspires me as well, and when I'm writing, lyrics often come to my head unbidden (and sometimes those get worked into the piece I'm writing). I'd love to hear more how this works for you! Glad you found us! Write on! -- 1UppyEar ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |