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I'd like to suggest a new Item and/or Sub-Type...the checklist. I see a lot of checklists on here and have even made one myself. But as far as I know, the only way to make one is by creating a Static Item. Then, at least for my sub-type, I listed it as Other. The blank boxes and the checked boxes were a big pain because I made so many, even though I used copy and paste. I'd like to see at least a basic checklist format with, perhaps a dropdown menu for the author to be able to click a blank box, black check, red check, black X or red X. In my opinion, that should be enough for a basic list. But I'd like the box and check/X boxes to look like the emoticon ones so folks can use whatever emoticon check or X box they'd like, for example if they want a blue check, and it would look just the same as if it had been made by the dropdown template. Another cool template for this would be if there was a mini calendar template so people could mark yes or no (check or X) if they accomplished something they were supposed to each day such as for the 30-Day Blogging Challenge or Give It 100! Just my laziness making suggestions here. |