A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
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Hello Chris and welcome to Writing.Com! I'm glad you've found us. On this site we have writers of all kind, published, not published, yet to be published, writers who focus on just one genre or on more than one genre in writing. Members to whom writing is a job and members to whom writing is a hobby. I'm sure you'll meet them all at some point . I'm not sure what kind of questions you have right now but first thing I'd recommend to you is to check out Get Started With Your Account from Writing.Com 101 in order to set up your account. I would also like to invite you to come and say hi in "Newbies Academy Registration - OPEN" . This is the place where the newbies hang out with other newbies and not so newest members in order to find the way around the site in the first few days or weeks. It's much easier to do it in a group than on your own. Feel free to come and check us out. We'll be glad to help you and guide you through your writing journey . Welcome once again! ~Minja~ Helpful links for newbies "Get Started With Your Account" "Writing.Com 101" "Invalid Item" "Invalid Item" |