A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
You're welcome ! You are right about gift points, people use them for various things here on the site and one of them is purchasing membership with those. You receive automatically gift points from the site for every day you log in here but the reason why you receive a lot of those right now is because September 1st Writing.Com is celebrating 16th anniversary . I know and understand that site can be overwhelming, especially at this time of the year because we have a birthday week. I'd suggest to you to use this chance if you want to get more of them and possibly upgrade your membership to higher level. You can earn gift points by reviewing the others. For every review of 250 and more characters you receive 4,000 gps during birthday week (September 1st until September 7th). For more info about gift points you can check Gift Points from Writing.Com 101 . Now, I mentioned to you in above post how you can find various writing from the other members here. Click to browse by genre, choose any genre you want, read and share your opinions with the others. That's an awesome way to make yourself noticed here on the site. You said you'd like to find someone to give you reviews of your writing. On your left side you will see community tab. When you click to it you will see please review. That's the place where you can highlight your story. Scroll down the page to the bottom and where it says: Please provide the Item ID you wish to submit:_____, here enter the ID number. That number you can find right below the title of your story. Then write in another provided space what you expect of reviewer and click to submit. Hope that helps . ~Minja~ |