A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
Welcome in busy lady. Join the club. Amazing how many authors have so much going on and yet their muses get some action! Folks are so supportive here and you are just in time for the 16th Anniversary of the site. Being open to the writing muse gives choice of following the energy of what seeks expression. The trick is to drop judgement and expectation and have it be fun--even through the ups and downs of the cheeky muse. Writing aside there are many folks you can connect with who deal with the gift of Autism. If you go to the box at the top right and do search whole site--austism--- you will find items and authors who may relate. I hope you will do a little bio block--even share what you said here on your port so folks can see your flair! And add a little item so your case will turn BLACK and author you'll be and you will hve more visibility as ..active author. though invisibility has it's merit. Come on out into the Light! Have fun busy lady. oh yeah, you can search out articles too. Maybe reading some fun articles will give you enlightenment and fresh enthusiasm. and some hints too. Welcome. Hope you find a home here. |