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New genres are seldom added, and are not created unless there are a sufficient number of postings in the category to warrant dividing it. Currently, the keywords section, which is included in the site search, can be used to add the specific topics of "social issues", "human rights" and/or "mental illness" as well as any other specific terms for the particular topic. Note also that even when there is a specific genre category, the use of the genre categories and the keywords section is up to the individual writer, and individual opinions may differ on what belongs in the category, as well as whether using the fields at all is worthwhile (as evidenced by how many items use the Other category). The social issues and human rights topics could be assigned to the most appropriate three choices of any of these more general genres: Community Cultural Educational News Opinion Politics Crime/Gangster Tragedy and for specific types -- Men's/Women's/Children's/Teen/Young Adult Business or Career Gay/Lesbian Health Legal Medical Foreign or Regional Religious Hope that helps. Northernwrites___ ~~Image #6000 Sharing Restricted~~ ~~Image #603504 Sharing Restricted~~ |