An auction to benefit WdC SuperPowers Reviewers Group and The Livestock Conservancy. |
(Ignore the part where it says I edited your comment. I was just looking at the ML because your green wasn't actually colored green like the word hunter and pink were colored hunter and pink. Just curious. Anyway...) What a cute image! I'd suggest using it without the words--both the words on the image and the words around the edge, but talk to SMs about it. To me, I'd expect the words to be too hard to read because they'd be so small, but maybe not. And if she does it with the words first, remember, you can change your mind. I made like 4 changes to some of my badges...actually, most of them. It seems like 4 was my number. lol Anyway, you can try it with the words if you want, but be open to not using them. You can just title it Reviewing With River and that should be good, IMO. Ask Legerdemain about using the image. I'd say you could use MY drawing because I'd be so flattered, but that's me. If they agree, forward the e-mail traffic to SMs so she knows it's okay. I think we should wait until you get that approval (or denial) first. Then we can submit your request. I'm excited! This is going to be a really cute MB! If you want the words in a semi-circle just to see if it will work, what color did you want them? Reviewing in pink, With in hunter, and River in green? Also, what color do you want the rim of the badge? Without the words, I'd say to go with pink, hunter, or green, but probably not if the words are against the rim. You don't want to make it harder to read the words. I assume the title of the MB will be Reviewing With River? In case you care, I don't think you usually capitalize "with" in a title if it's not the 1st word. I checked in here and only in AP style did you--not in the other styles. But it's not really that serious. If you look through the list of MBs, you'll see tons of titles that are incorrectly capitalized. Just something to think about--nothing super serious. Okay, check with Legerdemain about using that pic. GOOD LUCK! I'M SUPER EXCITED! I LOVE MAKING MBs...Even if they aren't mine.