Thanks Charlie. I didnt get my notification in time to reply, then i was like not going there again
So, I wrote her back. I had to refer to things specifically, so lotsa quoting. Basically, i thought she was into the bible, even though she is into tribal spiritual things, because she's never said differently. Ever. And because we've both agreed whatever you call things, it mostly leads to the same thing. So labels aren't so important. So I said there's no way I could be bible thumping her when I had no idea she harbored ill will or strong opinions against the written word. Begs the question. Slippery slope of logic. That was my main point.
I told her she hurt me, and I wasnt prepared to be walking on eggshells with her so get it together. It's a trigger thing with her childhood, I get it, we all have some. Lonnnnngggg response short, I called her on a few temper tantrum like comments, and she sent me a reply right back and said she was sorry and i was right. We'll talk it through some more with an eye on friendship expectations so we both draw our borders. Gotta have boundaries, ya know, especially when you're on a spiritual journey with someone who knows much more about it than you do!
I do believe I surprised her in my sticking up for myself. I decided, in the end, that I didn't want to lose her as a friend without even trying to save the friendship. I don't make friends easily, and they rarely stick around. She was worth the time and also the peace of MY mind that I AM WORTH IT. I am. And I was never close to bible thumping, and I knew it, and I said so. It was obvious I was only explaining a statement I had made previously that (believe it or not
) was actually right on topic. I ended it by saying you can call me lots of things, and you'd be right– but not THIS. Not bible thumping. NOT being judgmental. I have family for that, right Char? Right.
I feel empowered no matter the future not because I am RIGHT (I am though lol) but because I stood up for myself. Just because I am a kind person doesn't mean I am a doormat, so don't attempt to wipe your shitty boots on me
And Minja as well, thank you for your comments! I know there's a LOT of bible thumping in the world. I do not believe in hellfire and damnation, that was part of my point I was making with my friend, and I get mad when I hear of it. My God is a just one, but a loving one, and what I believe works for ME and is only through my own unique life circumstances that it works for ME; I don't expect anyone to agree with me. Maybe that's the difference.
I see this reverse discrimination sometimes though, and I know it's much more rare, but I can understand why it happens. My friend has shit regarding this issue. I get that. But I've had enough shit spilled on me at the ripe old age of 47, and maybe I can help her with it. Maybe not. Regardless, I am trying to be a kind person, a good friend, AND an enlightened, spiritual being. So we'lll see how that goes
I hate that my spiritual word has become so overused... it means more to me. I think
Thanks guys! I love my peeps. All kinds of beliefs