Ahh thank you Angela! That means lots. Yeah, but the pentacle on your door? Well, I would probably not assume it's Wiccan or anything to do with religion. Seriously. I'm actually kinda naive (unbelievable, right ha ha)
Just saying, I would not want to jump to conclusions, so MAYBE the preacher was the same. I doubt it. Lol. I would tend to think it merely decorative. I can't believe I am still so naive, but I hate judging without facts, so I tend to slide the other way... However, I know you were blunt with him, and I think it's because they feel it's their duty to 'save' you. THATS why they can be pushy I think. Psychologically I was trying to figure out why he'd bother
Funny, we have giant breed dogs (at least one) and a no trespressing sign, and a locked gate– we don't get callers
Nobody comes to our door. Ok, I live in the forest, but still... did you just move there recently? Your neighbor, the preacher, don't get a bumper sticker ok or I might have to worry about ya!
She never said she was a Christian. Nope. I totally thought she was though. I figured she believed in God and some of the bible, at least, from our conversations which have been rather deep and all about spirituality. I knew a few things that aren't christian per se, but I never labeled her faith in my mind, because I wait to be told. Or for it to come up in a definitive way. I have patience. And so it certainly hit me hard the whole thing, when I was reserving any labels. I really try not to label people. I've chosen my own label as
Christian, but no one tag could ever label all my beliefs; I figure most people are the same way.
So I kinda jumped to the conclusion she was at least partly christian because shes made so many comments to me before about not labeling, or titles being interchangeable-like
I confused my own damn self. You're right-- she's a good person I feel, but a bit cagey on secrets. Like, I'm ALL out there for anyone to see pretty much, but she's not. I know that added to my confusion.
I'm over it. I have a feeling I might get a blasting from her, but you know, we shall see. I tend to be forgiving because I think we all can be utter bitches sometimes, and I give people one or two passes there (or I'd have NO friends I think) but once I've had it, I am down the road so fast ya never see it coming. Not that I want to be like that, but I am. One thing I didn't mention was her last 'dig' at me about my bestie, and how she hoped we'd get to talking more again 'sooner rather than later', which I absolutely no holding back said was bitchy and I 100% knew she knew it, it was no innocent slip of the tongue. I know
She was having a really bad day eh.
I like difficult people sometimes. Life would be boring without em, right? Ball's in her court, and this is the first argument in three years. Religion is touchy. As you know ha ha. I gotta admit, I'm glad my best friend is also a Christian (though much more religious in a formal way than I could ever be) but she's tolerant of me