Looking for a guiding light. Next round opens Feb 2025. |
My guidelines for posting an entry are different than pretty much any other contest. What to include in your entry post is included in the last guideline on the list of guidelines in the body of this contest. I will do my best to get in here about 11:00 PM (WdC time) to look over any entry posts that come in and respond to the ones that are incorrect. I will absolutely stop doing this at 11:30 PM, so if you post after that time, make sure you're doing what you need to do in that post. Entry posts that do no follow the guidelines about the type of link to use and the inclusion of a word count will not be considered eligible for prizes. This includes the HM awardicons all eligible entries will receive if there are fewer than nine entries total at the deadline of 11:59 PM tonight. I hope I'm not sounding cold, just succinct! I want your entries to be eligible, or I wouldn't offer to be in here for that half-hour tonight to check your entry posts. I also want to be fair, and to me that means only considering those entries that follow the guidelines as eligible. Finally, checking entry posts right up to the deadline would just stress us all out. Remember, I'm not reading entries until after midnight, so you can go ahead and make a post before 11:30 PM to make sure it follows the guidelines, and then go back to working on your entry. If you're working on it with a privacy setting that restricts me of being able to see it, though, make sure you change that before the deadline. Once I open tabs for all the entries, I'll try again to open any that were on restricted access, but that'll be it: I will not email you to ask you to change the access. I hope very much to see at least a couple more entries, and I would love to see enough for prizes can go into effect! Here's to the hope, and much luck to you all! Chy |