A support forum for writers dealing with mental illness |
My Answers to Charlie ~'s Questions: How has the first half of your year been? What have you accomplished? The only thing I have really accomplished this year is entering contests here on WdC thanks to Annette and Schnujo's Giving Away GPs. How has your last week been? How are you doing today? What are you working on right now? My last week has been mostly a kind of week. The main thing I have done this week was tear down a dilapidated garage. Today, I am still working on getting the pieces of that garage into the roll-off dumpster. I was supposed to have it done yesterday. I hope to have it done tomorrow. Where is your year headed? What are you on track to achieve before 2020? For the first time in my adult life, I am putting down roots and I hate it. Hopefully, before the year is out, I will have developed a secondary income. I have not made much progress on that goal. What has been occupying your headspace lately? What are you thinking about? Today, I have been lugging buckets of shingles to the dumpster and thinking to myself "I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life." I still practice what I wrote about in this entry: "~ ✝️ I Choose JOY! ~" . This is such an odd time in my life. There are so many aspects of my current life I do not like but, in spite of that, I have been blessed with the ability to step away from the crap into a pervading sense of peace and contentment. An odd result of this has been a lack of motivation. I have come to the realization that up until my 65th birthday emotional pain and discomfort pushed me to do things. Sans that kind of an external push, I need self-discipline to push myself. Sadly, I am sorely lacking in that fruit of the Spirit. Hopefully, I am growing in that area. At least, I am praying and asking for help in that area of weakness. If you are a praying person, you can pray for me to grow in self-discipline... *praying* ruwth may be an odd duck but ~ ~ ~ JESUS is still LORD! ~ ~ ~ |