Mental Health Writers Alliance Monthly Challenge |
Week 4 challenge: Theme: Friendship Blog Writing Prompts: Please see "Written Prompt Examples" for qualified vs. unqualified written entries. 1. Prompt 1: How do you pick your friends? What qualities do you look for and what qualities do you try to avoid? I choose my friends among those who have similar characteristics to me. I feel that my main characteristics are friendliness, caring, trust, sharing and the love of education. I look for qualities that are similar to mine. Qualities that I try to avoid are stinginess, uncaring, those who don’t enjoy reading and those who show no regard for my feelings. 2. Prompt 2: Who has been the best friend you've had in life? Tell us the story of how you met. Are you still friends with them? If not, why? The best friends I have had in my life are God and Jesus, my husband, an old but trusted pen pal and a lovely collie named Lady. I met God and Jesus through a Christian awakening—born again experience, my husband at a college group, my pen pal through my writings and my husband and I met Lady from friends who couldn’t care for her. I am still friends with all of the above. Lady died many years ago and I still love her. 2 Reviews: Please see "Review Examples" for qualified vs. unqualified written reviews. 1. Review 2 items in the Friendship genre . |