A support forum for writers dealing with mental illness |
Research some mental health quotes.... Okay, the first thing I tried to do was "research some mental health quotes." In doing this, I did not expect to find quotes that were paragraphs. I was expecting short pithy meaningful one liners. Wading through page after page of what somebody considered to be "mental health quotes" was not a fun task for me. Then respond to the following: What are some of your favorite quotes about mental health? What do you like about those quotes? "One day at a time" -- Before I googled "mental health quotes" this is the line that came to mind. For me in my own personal walk, living by this guideline brought some peace of mind and stability into the craziness I called life. I guess it really isn't so much a mental health quote as a quote that helped me improve the state of my mental health. Another item of the same kind that has consistently helped me deal with my own stuff is the Serenity Prayer. It has helped me shift my focus from those things I can't do anything about to things I can impact in a positive way. What are some mental health quotes you don't find helpful or inspiring? Why do you disagree with them? I am not doing very well coming up with mental health quotes to write about. For this section, I am simply going to reference the saying, "What doesn't kill you, strengthens you." or something like that. Not everything painful strengthens us. Some painful things can be pretty darn devastating. Something I hate for me to say is something like, "What is God trying to teach you in this?" or "What can you learn from this?" My usual response to folks saying this is to make a snarky remark. Another comment I dislike is "What other people think of you is really none of your business." I have never found this comment to be helpful for me--and I think it is often helpful to know what other folks think about me. Anything else you want to say about mental health quotes or quotes in general. One of my own favorite sayings is: "Smile, it releases endorphins." I move my facial muscles into the shape of a smile specifically to release endorphins and improve my mood. I do not pretend to be happy. I simply do it as a physical exercise and it produces consistent results for me. ruwth may be an odd duck but ~ ~ ~ JESUS is still LORD! ~ ~ ~ |