A support forum for writers dealing with mental illness |
I'll start off by responding to myself. I am looking forward to catching up with people though. We've not talked in so long. How was the end of the 2010s for you? How has the start of the 2020s gone? The 2010s ended pretty wild for me. I started thinking about where I was at the beginning of the decade vs. where I am now and the difference is wild. In 2010, I had just turned 18 and we'll just say that I was NOT living my best life and leave it there. But at the end of the decade, I graduated with my bachelor's (double major accounting + finance), interviewed for a few different jobs, found my post-grad job at a very well-respected top company, and started said job... all within 2 or 3 weeks. It went bizarrely fast. Now that the 2020s have started, I've just been focusing on keeping myself together enough to learn this job and figure out my role within this company. No lie, it's been super stressful and the hours are pretty long, but it's rewarding to see the fruits of my labor and all that. What have you been up to lately? Any new year (or decade) resolutions going on? I'm not a new year's resolution type person, but I threw this one in here for the people who are. If I had to make a new year's resolution, it would be to write more. I have so little time now that it's going to be a challenge, but I really miss being able to rock out a poem a day. How did I ever do that? How were your holidays? Did you travel? See family? Get any nice gifts? My holidays were pretty lowkey. I saw my family on Christmas day and that was kinda cool because people knew about my new job and were pretty excited for me. Also, I got a lot of graduation gifts, which I kind of forgot was a thing. I could've used all that cash during university, just saying... How has your mental health been lately? Any new therapy, medication, or self-care progress? I haven't been super focused on my mental health lately, which is like playing with fire, know. Although I did just enroll in health insurance with my new company and I have like 12 free behavioral wellness appointments a year with my insurance. I should get myself set up with a therapist and get my meds and other things sorted out. I actually stopped taking benzos right before I started my current job. I realized I'd been taking them quite liberally for months. I did the whole withdrawal thing, which wasn't nearly as bad as other times when I've been taking a higher quantity or for longer, but still pretty much sucked. I had to slowly ween off because I was getting way too sick when I tried to move faster. Anyway, the point is that I'm pretty much off of all meds now and that's not really where I want to be because it's just not the safest thing for me. I tend to not realize when I'm spiraling out until it's a bit too late, and I need to stay on top of it so I don't ruin my new job. Anything new with your writing or other hobbies? What have you been doing on WDC lately? I so wish I could comment on this one. I was kind of asking this question in the hopes that someone else could spark some inspiration in me with stuff they've been doing on the site. I tried to get a few reviews in during my (very short) break between finals and starting my new job. I'm also kind of doing "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" , but also really not because I'm only blogging like once a week... Do you have any non-labor intensive ideas for the group? (ie. things that would be fun to do together as a group that wouldn't require a lot of time/planning?) Please, if you have any ideas... Something that doesn't require thinking of a new prompt every day would be ideal? I've toyed around with the idea of having a monthly contest type thing, but it is a mental health group and the idea doesn't seem super well-received (competition and all that). Anyway, anything that could help me more consistently run the group without a huge time commitment would be cool. Best, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Chat with WDC writers on Discord |