A support forum for writers dealing with mental illness |
A new year, a new decade - not resolutions, but goals for me How was the end of the 2010s for you? How has the start of the 2020s gone? - The decade began with hope, promising myself I'd give myself more time, more space. As 2019 ended, I realized that I had not given myself, taken for myself, more time, more space. As my writing suffered, Muse silent or hiding often, so did my daily life. The day job - firm growing, but not staff - they're working to get rid of senior staff members and hire lower paid 'beginner' level employees. Makes the small stuff feel like big stuff. What have you been up to lately? Any new year (or decade) resolutions going on? - Same as the last decade - to find and take time for myself, just a bit of space. So far, I've done it late at night, when I'm the only one awake, even Rudy (cat) sleeping. Sacrifice sleep, gain self-esteem. Taking time for myself means spending more time here - gaining strength my fellow writers and especially our group. Re day job, I've been approached by headhunters and am polishing up my resume. Just have to be careful they're not searching on behalf of my current firm, if they think I want to leave, makes it easier to find reason to make me leave - I think one of the spots I was offered may be that of my boss (whom I like and whose leadership I appreciate), so before I send anything I will ask the question and if the answer doesn't sound straight, no resume. How were your holidays? Did you travel? See family? Get any nice gifts? - Mellow - exchanged treat gifts & put stuff in Rudy's stocking, including some cat grass -hope it wasn't a calm before storm scenario . How has your mental health been lately? Any new therapy, medication, or self-care progress? - Tense, nervous, muse persnickety. New EAP with new insurance carrier; debating calling as I don't believe anything is anonymous and don't want to give the big bosses ammunition. Anything new with your writing or other hobbies? What have you been doing on WDC lately? - Writing - write every day - a page, a poem, a phrase, a sentence... something legible/ - signed up for I write in 2020 - made it first week, second missed by minutes, third, I'm drafting now - aiming for early. - Don't know if I can salvage my NaNo, but working on a poetry chapbook. - Entered Gemini poetry contest - submitted 3 poems for consideration and publication - decision by March. - Signed up for 30-day blogging challenge - behind by a few days; the prompts uncomfortably personal - but will grab on tomorrow - perhaps a poetic entry? Do you have any non-labor intensive ideas for the group? (ie. things that would be fun to do together as a group that wouldn't require a lot of time/planning?) - Not sure, I would consider a monthly prompt-based activity - choice of prompts - either reviewing or writing; maybe in blog form - group only. This is more than I've said in awhile, either to you, or myself. Which reminds me - another thing I want/need to do, spend more time here, to help myself and encourage my fellow group members (writing buds). Until the next time, wishing you each more joy than sadness. Kate Kate - Writing & Reading Striving to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way. |