Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
I'm taking a job in Texas, and I'm living in Oregon. So, these are just stuff I have to do to get ready for that... - Rent an apartment - Done! - Hire a company to ship my car after I clean it and put some stuff in it - In process and needs to be completed today! - Book a flight - Done! - Pack some items and itemize others for the big move in six months or so - In process. - Start packing a couple of suitcases for the short term - Done! Now, I also want to get some writing done, so... - I plan to write a piece for Philosophical Musings and enter it - Done! - Then put it into the Contest Challenge - Done! - Then also put it in I Write, too, and do a review - Done! - If I can manage, I want to write a poem for I Write as well - Eh, maybe next week... I think I did fairly well, and have one more week before I fly out! Kevin When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~ Swift |