Authors face off through their characters! Follow along & vote each round. |
-| The Prompt |- You've discovered the cure (either you or one of the other pairs of people) and now it is time to implement it. However, your partner disagrees with the method, insisting that one of the other methods is the correct method for lifting the cure. How do you go about ensuring that the curse is lifted despite the opposition from your partner? -| Information |- You can complete the lifting of the curse in this story, whether by convincing your partner to work with you, or by going rogue. You should submit a story (up to 5,000 words but there is no minimum word count). Your story must include both your character(s) and the character(s) of your partner in some way. Your story must explain how your character(s) achieve the task they have been given (lifting the curse). The task must be completed within the story you submit. The deadline for final entries is 11:59pm WDC time, September 15. -| The Pairings |- Once In a Red Moon with Ai Khaba Pa-Ankh New Year's Sox with Mae Amante The winner and runner up will be decided from this round. |