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Yeah, I mentioned that to her. I told her I didn't see where it says when it closes and she said it closes on the 27th. I did a Ctrl F search of the page and only found where it says the winners are announced around then. I told her that and suggested maybe she specify that the round closes then. Ultimately, it's her contest, but uh, it is traditional to put the closing date. I'm sure it was an oversight. When it's our item, it all seems so clear! I've definitely seen that with "The Contest Challenge" ! I think how to post your entries is perfectly clear, yet SO MANY PEOPLE can't do it right, even after I correct them and point them to the examples just above the forum. (When you jump to the forum, I even have it jump to just above the examples so you are forced to see them, yet somehow people miss them. I even change their color from time to time to help them stand out. It doesn't seem to help. ) I had 1 person do a whole, entire year without posting a single entry correctly. I counted them, of course, but still, 12 entries, all wrong? Whatever. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest