Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Forgive me if I've already brought this up. Remember, I have that TBI (traumatic brain injury). But you are working on finishing the WHOLE challenge, right? No pressure, if you don't want to or can't right now, but I'd love to celebrate you next January!!! In case you care and I haven't mentioned recently, this is what you are missing from "The Contest Challenge" to qualify for the giant celebration each January... Well, obviously, you are missing 2021, except January. 2017 = February - December 2018 = January - November Oh wow! Yeah--very doable! Not super easy, perhaps, but very doable! If you haven't considered participating in "Merit Badges for Fun" this year, think about doing that. Unless they changed the rules, they don't care what you enter, they just want you to enter contests. I care what you enter, so you enter the ones I highlight, then post them both here and there and BAM! DOUBLE WIN! They want 52 entries and you don't even have 52 left, even with this year, so yep, you can use them to get extra goodies. Or you can just do "The Contest Challenge" and be happy with that. Whatever works for you. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CONTEST ENTRY!!! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest