Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
My, someone is having a productive weekend. Well done! Yes, I can assign you contests when nothing else is open. There are other options as well, though. If there is a contest that is only open say in June, I'll likely want you to wait until June since you won't miss out on the giant celebration by waiting until then. If it was already July and you've missed June, I'd assign you other options. Also, sometimes a contest owner is willing to open a contest. Either they have been thinking about it (I've been told this) or they had forgotten about it and when someone shows interest, it makes them happy and they are interested in reopening. I especially recommend this option if it's a contest you are really interested in. But if all else fails, yes, I can assign you other contests. Here are some you can choose from. Note that I tend to pick stuff that's not highly attended, except The Writer's Cramp and this is only because it's their birthday week, so why not help them celebrate. "The Writer's Cramp" "The Anthro Activity Anteroom" (Currently highlighted, but not getting much action. I always hope to get 5 entries per contest when I highlight them.) "Twisted Tales Contest" "Poetry Topic of the Month Contest" Those should get you started for now. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest