These are very good questions and quite honestly, there are no simple answers. The armor of God is defined in Ephesians 6: 10-17. What many Christians fail to realize is that we are at war. Satan and the forces of darkness are in rebellion against God and the forces of light. A book I recommend is “The Lion Never Sleeps” by Mike Talliafero. In it, Pastor Mike tells us about the attack of the African lion. He compares those attacks to the attacks of Satan. Like a lion, Satan takes no time off. Satan never tires of waiting for the Christian to become lax and make a mistake. When Christians do make mistakes, it costs them their spiritual lives. Many Christians have made those mistakes. They often do not even realize that spiritually they are dead. The enemy has pulled a complete con job on them.
I wrote a sermon once about the armor of God. I will not preach that sermon here. I will, however, hit the highlights. The sermon defined each part of the armor and its importance. The first part of the armor to go on is the belt of truth. The belt of truth is the foundation of the armor. The truth in this situation is the fact that Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave. Just like a house, the belt of truth is the foundation. A foundation must be solid or else it all crumbles. Jesus’s death and resurrection are the true foundation of God’s armor.
Next, we put on the breast plate of righteousness. The breastplate of righteousness is the outer garment that shields our chest and vital organs from attack. To do this the Christian must act like Jesus Christ. We must imitate Him in our day-to-day activities and actions. We act differently from the world. Peter calls Christians a “peculiar people”. This means we act differently than the world. We do not focus on ourselves, but rather on others. We do the next right thing for the next right reason.
Now we put on the shoes of the gospel of peace. The Roman armor which Paul is describing was high tech for its era. The shoes were steel boots that went to above the soldiers knees with joints that allowed them to move. If an enemy swung at their legs the enemy could not cut them or knock them off balance. The gospel of peace is our balance. It is also our walk. We walk properly, witnessing to God as we go.
The shield of faith is a totally defensive weapon. Faith protects us from the enemy. No matter what trials Satan throws our way, we are safe because we trust God.
Finally, we don the helmet of salvation. If the enemy strikes our head, we are goners. The helmet of salvation protects us from these deadly blows.
Marvin D Schrebe AKA Jamison Christian "Chris" Breva AAD RBA, CPRSS