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Hey! I'd love a few more font options. I'm especially looking for a font that is thicker like Comic, but that you can write more with, unlike Impact. I tend to use Comic a lot because I can use it with more colors because it's slightly thicker. Otherwise, I have to make everything bold to get it to show up well with lighter colors, but then you can't as easily see people's tags when it's all bold. Let me show you how the different fonts look with a lighter color. You are reading the Arial font. You are reading the Comic font. You are reading the Courier font. You are reading the Impact font. You are reading the Times font. You are reading the Verdana font. When you go really light, you can't really read much at all. You are reading the Arial font. You are reading the Comic font. You are reading the Courier font. You are reading the Impact font. You are reading the Times font. You are reading the Verdana font. Fun fact, I always that that last font was Veranda. Actually, in my first example, I think Verdana is the easiest to read, but it's also the largest of them, so that's sort of cheating. Anyway, another handwriting-type font would be fun, but I especially want another font that is a little thicker like Comic, but not as thick as Impact. Impact is tiring when you read too much of it. So, maybe even 2 more fonts--another handwriting AND another slightly thicker one. Some examples of thicker fonts from Word would be things like Bahnschrift Semibold, one of the thicker Franklin Gothic options such as Franklin Gothic Demi, or Rockwell. Some examples of handwritten fonts would be Ink Free, MV Boli, Segoe Print, or Tempus Sans ITC, but finding fonts that still look like handwriting, but are also easy to read for non-native speakers is a bit tricky. And if you just want to add some different fonts, maybe Algerian, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Cambria Math, Elephant, or OCR A Extended might be nice. Speaking of extended, if there is an extended font, I hear those are good for folks with dyslexia, but all I noticed that was really extended was Goudy Stout and that's not one folks would likely use for all their writing need. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest