A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore. |
Per usual, I managed to submit my story at 11:59. I really need to get up earlier and start on those things so I have time to really proofread and such. Not to mention, I wanted to tie in the boys and there wasn't time to figure that out. Not to mention, I'd planned to foreshadow no one caring about Pete's disappearance through the sheriff's words, but totally forgot about that as I had like 7 minutes or something to finish and submit when the sheriff entered the bedroom. No time to be fancy. TYPE! Oh well. It's done and that's the main thing. Only 2 days left to do and like 11 1/2 hrs to do them--easy peasy! How about you, Elycia Lee ā® Happy 2025!? I hope it's going well for you? I calculated I have approximately 490 individual notes that need to be organized for this...or should I say "needed" to be because they will definitely NOT be. Though some are notes for book 2 and book 3, but still, probably 350-400 of them are notes for this book. I'm also debating whether I want to actually try to deal with Scrivener. I hear there's a learning curve and I've been struggling with it. It's a one and done sort of purchase, so I might just see if I win and buy it at a discount then. I can deal with all of the rest of it later. I did fine with Dabble and though I haven't reviewed it at all, I think it was relatively easy to use, so I might go back to that option. We'll see... Yeah, it starts tomorrow and I'm not even sure which software I'll be using. I WANT to use Scrivener, but am scared to try since I was really struggling with the demos. In the demo, you are literally manipulating the demo instructions as they say to do as if it were your project. I messed my demo up so much that I had to delete the whole software and download it again so the demo could be back to the way it was supposed to be...not encouraging. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest