Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
You're doing 7 contests this month?!? WOW! You have way too much time on your hands. Good for you for entering so many contests!!! You sound like you might be entering Share Your Faith more than once this month. You can (if she allows it, of course), but I only count it once this month. But if I highlighted it another month and you want to count it for that month, if she allows multiple entries in a month and you enter more than once in a month, you can certainly count it for other months it was highlighted. I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you ask about me accepting reviews. You can review "The Contest Challenge" and you can review anything someone posts here. But reviewing isn't a part of the challenge, so no need to post any reviews you do here. I don't pay for them or care if you review anything or not. But be sure to check out Sum1's Home!'s Anniversary Reviews for more rewards if you plan to review things. I don't have the link, but you can find it in his port. Good luck with all your plans this month! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest