Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
My goals this week will basically be more of the same. Work continue to take up most of my time/energy, and keeping in touch with friends and family I have not seen nearly enough takes up the rest. So, my writing goals will be kept to the very basic. (Being late with the Goals post once again, probably doesn't bode too well for the week.) There's light ahead, though. Starting next week, there should be fewer social obligations in the calender, and we're more hands on deck at work. Core Goals Write/edit/outline every day: Same basic goal as always at the top of the list. Do vocal exercises: As in the previous weeks, I need to keep the good habit of doing my exercises daily going. Get exercise: Adding this to the list to remind myself to not just be sitting at my desk for eight hours a day. Moving a bit about at work and getting one or two proper sessions of exercise would be nice. Do a WYRM review: I need to pick up where I left the story I'm currently reading and continue my reviewing streak. That was the basic, very doable goals. But since I've done better than expected the last couple of weeks, I'll also add the "extra" goals. The ones I probably won't achieve, at least not all of them, but I will definitely strife for if everything else goes well. Extra Goals Submit my backlog of stories: I have a pile of stories lying around that needs to go back out on submission. I just need to find the time to do a little market research and send them out. Do a Codex and/or blog update: I had a story accepted for a Danish SF anthology a few weeks ago. I should at least do a blog post and a probably an update post over at the Codex forum to promote that. Be active on Codex: Vague, fluffy goal, but it's been a while since I've even logged into codex, so just doing that and catching up on discussion will be enough. |