Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
BMI? The body mass index format? So, you can go to the Newsfeed and start testing things out. You sometimes have to hit enter or you'll at least need to hit the space bar to activate the code, but you can see the code without submitting the post and making people wonder what in the world you are doing. There are some codes that have 2 letters before "item," but I can't recall what they are. But you can go through with the alphabet and "item" and see what you get... {item:2109126} = "The Contest Challenge" {aitem:2109126} = {aitem:2109126} {bitem:2109126} =
{citem:2109126} =
{ditem:2109126} = {ditem:2109126} You can see some do nothing, but others do stuff. I prefer bitem over citem because I can easily copy the item number from someone else's link if I need to. I recently had someone posting citem links at the bottom of their signatures and I wanted to advertise their thing. (It's the World Weaver's thing I posted about.) I asked them to please post a bitem so I could easily copy the item number since I was on my phone. But different people have different preferences. BTW, since you're new and new folks often go whole hog in the beginning, if you're feeling froggy (ignore the different animal references and just go with it lol), you can work forwards AND backwards at the same time and finish 12 months sooner than a year. You only need 12 consecutive months, but since I allow catching up, you can "catch up" on last month's entry. Now, if you happened to post an entry for one of those contests already, you can count if it if you wrote it this month, but not if you did last month because you weren't even in the challenge yet. To find the contests from last month, go to the dropnote that says "Previously Highlighted Contests 2024" and look for July. Check out the contests. They may not all be open. Well, that's what happens when you don't participate in the current month. But if anything is open, enter that. If nothing is open, wait a bit, especially if one is a contest that runs every other month or something. If you are almost done with your year and STILL nothing is open for that month, I'll find you a replacement contest. If the only thing that is open is something you don't like, such as romance (something I don't like), too bad. It's part of the challenge. Hey, I had to write romance when I was doing the challenge. It didn't kill me, you can do it, too. However, if the only contest open is something you find offensive, such as Kit's Higher Ratings Contest which is for XXX type of stuff, you can either just write something less X-y or you can get a replacement. I won't make you enter a contest that is offensive. But no, you can't claim steampunk is offensive, just because you don't know how to write it. You can catch up as fast as you can write. There's no time minimum. So, if you manage to finish 12 months in 1 month, CONGRATULTIONS! But don't burn yourself out. |