A place for Newbies to seek advice about reviewing |
1,000 GPs were sent to Brandon Maze White with this post.
Hi, Brandon Maze White ! Welcome to Writing.Com. Great to have your here. Nice idea to go back and reread a novel you like to check out how he wrote the setting etc.. Have fun writing a the review for the book. You might want to post the review within your portfolio so you can garnish feedback or receive general comments on it. We focus on reviewing each other's items, so once you post your writing, in your case, a 'review' of a book, I'm sure you'll receive feedback. There are ways to showcase your item to get other author's to comment on your work. Please see the links under, Review Links for more information. Everyone has their own style on how to present a review they send to someone, so do not hesitate to experiment with which style works for you. There's some examples of reviews from other authors posted here in the forum header if you want to check their style. It does take a while to learn about the site's features, so take it all in one step at a time. Feel free to email me with any questions. If you thought your question was long — wowzers, look at my response. Enjoy learning about the site, and have a great day! ~Lornda |