Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
Just one more week to go before Christmas vacation. Last week went really well, and on paper, there's nothing that should be keeping this week from being the same. Though, with everything needing to be finished at work before the holiday, there will probably be some major obstacles hiding somewhere in the office. So, I'm aiming high but not as high as I could. I want this week to be productive but also to come out of it feeling successful. Here goes. Writing related goals Write/outline/edit every day: Same number one priority as always. The first goal is to stay consistent and keep up the good habits. Editing older stories: A continuation of last week's goals. I need to keep working on getting my stories ready for reviewing. Do a review: Another copy from last week as, once again, I have a half-done review that need to finish off. Do a second review: I failed this one last week, but I'm still hoping to do two review this week. Be active on Codex: I don't expect I'll be posting anything this week unless there are discussions I want to participate in. So, the goal is really just to not be absent from the Codex forum. Write an entry for the Pete Wood challenge: I took first place in Stupefying Stories' Pete Wood challenge last week, earning me another publication before the year closes out. They have already posted the prompt for the next challenge, and while the deadline is far away, I would like to have an entry ready early on as January will be hectic around here. Read short stories: Outside of WYRM, I haven't really read that many short stories throughout the year. I guess forcing myself to read dozens every week became too much. So, I don't want to do that again, but I'm still hoping to get into the habit of reading one or two published short stories a week. Other goals which may be vaguely related to writing Do vocal exercises: Same as always. I'm aiming for doing the exercises at least once a day on average throughout the week. Get exercise: Keeping this somewhat similar as the last couple of weeks. As a minimum, I want to get two proper training sessions/runs in during the week and 10-20 minutes of low-medium intensity exercise in the other days. Eat healthier: The goal I keep struggling with. I really, really need to do better than last week, though. |