Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Thank you for the GPs. They aren't necessary, but are always appreciated! You can always check for yourself to see what I have recorded for you. In fact, I encourage you to check from time to time to be sure our records match up. Sometimes a person thinks they've submitted something, but they didn't. Sometimes they did and I forgot to hit Save when I posted it. Mistakes happen on both sides, so I do encourage you to check the Current Competitors dropnote from time to time. You can just open it and do a quick search. On a PC, you do Ctrl and F at the same time to get a search bar and then put your current handle (or at least part of it) in to find yourself in the list. If you have a Mac, IDK how to search, but it's probably something similar. Anyway, copied from your section, I have you down as having done... FEB-2017 JUN JUL SEP DEC-2017 JAN-2018 FEB MAR AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC-2018 JAN-2019 MAY-2020 FEB-2021 APR-2022 MAY NOV DEC-2022 FEB-2023 APR JUN AUG-2023 Remember that you can jump over the new year to ensure you have 12 consecutive months. If you did April and May of either 2017 or 2018 (or May 2017 and April 2018), along with August, October, and November of 2018, that would get you 12 consecutive months, depending on the April and May you chose. It would be April 2017 - March 2018 or May 2017 - April 2018 or June 2017 - May 2018. It looks like an even shorter route would be doing April - July 2018. You already have January - March and August - December 2018. The rest seem to have a lot of skipping around and would be more work (though still less work than starting from scratch lol). Best of luck with your completions! You got this! |