Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Correct. You don't have to wait until April 2025 to do April 2018. But you do have to use a contest from the April 2018 list. You'll find it on the Previously Highlighted Contests 2018 dropnote. Look for April, of course. If there's nothing open, I encourage you to reach out to the contest owners first. Ask if they were planning to reopen their contest. Sometimes they've been thinking about it and just knowing someone wants to enter is enough to push them into it. If there's nothing open and nothing planned to be open, reach out to me and I'll find something for you. If you have a contest you want to enter, feel free to suggest it. If the only thing open is a contest you find offensive, let me know. Know, romance, poetry, etc. aren't considered offensive. lol But if the only thing open is an XXX contest and you don't want to enter that, I'll find you something else. Optionally, you can enter it and just write an 18+ entry. I've entered an XXX contest with an entry that was probably 13+. lol They didn't say it HAD to be XXX... Hahaha Let me know if you have any questions about how to catch up. Oh, be sure to do the current contest prompt! And when you post here, please include the month and year you are catching up on, along with the contest name, as you should always include. Good luck! You got this! |