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Am I YoYo or YOLO? I do tend to go back and forth between Alabama and other places. But I am also sort of living with the theory of You Only Live Once. lol I enjoyed the UK, but if I had to choose a place to live, it would 100% be Edinburgh. I loved it there! It would 100% not be Glasgow. lol London was nice, but reminded me a bit of Los Angeles and that's not fully a compliment. lol Cardiff was nice, but I never found a really tasty restaurant -- even with the help of Google. I guess if I lived there, I'd have to learn to cook. Hahaha! I also really enjoyed Bath, but I think I'd get tired of all the tourists. I don 't recall the other places, but Edinburgh was definitely my favorite! Maybe Cardiff was my 2nd favorite, but a distant second because of the food scene...or maybe we were just in the wrong part of town. lol Everything was rated like 3.7-4.2. Edible, but nothing to write home about. I edited my last note, apparently, while you were writing the one above this. Check out the last paragraph for a possible way to help you remember it's JodY, not JodI. But if you forget, it's fine. Most importantly, remember I'm a girl, but by the spelling, it seems you know that. Yay! Though I'm named for a boy, thus the odd spelling. |