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You probably keep spelling it with an I because you keep thinking "I love Jodi, but I think she's Insane!" Hahaha! I didn't have any haggis. Doesn't it have gluten? I can't recall why I didn't have any, but that might be why. I know it's why I didn't have any blood pudding. I did in the Falklands and that was a mistake. Yikes! It's called "pudding," so in the US, that means it wouldn't have gluten. Yep, UK and US "pudding" is very different. lol Hey, it wasn't just my thoughts on Welsh food. I only read the Google ratings after I couldn't find a restaurant I loved and discovered there just weren't any very well-rated. Apparently dozens or hundreds of people were unimpressed. Though I have no idea if most of those ratings were from locals or from tourists. Maybe just tourists don't like Welsh food? I liked the food everywhere else I was, even in Glasgow where I didn't like a lot of other things. lol I did find the people all over to be pretty friendly, so that was definitely nice! I'd totally go back! Where are you now and how long have you been gone from the UK? |