Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
Well, I'm late with the update once again. No surprises there. For once, though, it's not because it was a rough week, but rather because I tried to get a little extra work done during the weekend, which succeeded to some extent. Overall, it was a pretty good writing week. The kids are back in good health (fingers crossed they will stay that way), and while I still haven't caught up on the sleep and energy I lost during the last couple of weeks, I at least have more time to read and write again. Right. Onto the goals. Write every day: I didn't manage to write anything during the weekend, but I got a good bit of writing done during the weekdays. Start writing my entry for the Danish SF anthology: Check. All the writing I did was on this piece, and I think I'm already about a third through my first draft, which I started Monday. / Get exercise/eat healthy/b}: I really should start splitting this into two separate goals, because I keep doing well on the exercise bit and less well to poorly on the eating healthy part of the goal. Do vocal exercises: Check. Did them about once a day, which is the minimum bar I've set for myself. Do Fantasticon prep-work: I didn't finish this completely, but I caught up on a lot of the stuff I'd gotten behind on. So, I'm counting this as a win. Do a review: Check. I would've liked to do another review, but I also knew that probably wasn't going to happen. Catch up on Codex: I thought I would have time for this during Friday, but work got in the way. I'm okay with missing this one for another week, though. There was a reason it was far down the list. Do a blog post: I honestly had not expected to get around to doing this one, but I found some time in the weekend. |