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My eyes connected with my hand? Hmmm. You know, the other day we were reading a Myers-Briggs book (Nurture by Nature, Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger) that said that ENFJs (like me) have expressive eyes. I professed the opinion that this statement was balderdash (I love that word!), only to have Cher exclaim, in surprise, that she believes I have very expressive eyes. For years I've been jealous because people exclaim over how Rachel's eyes sparkle -- they really do, when she's amused or excited -- and I always wanted sparkly eyes, too. It never occured to me that my eyes were expressive. I was surprised but quite flattered. I still can't really see it myself, but, then, staring into a mirror can't really produce the same effect as engaging in conversation or whatever, so maybe I'll never really be able to convince myself. I've always felt that my eyes were one of my worst features, since they're somewhat small, and you know what all the literature has to say about small, beady eyes! That, plus my thick ankles (what my 15-year-old self wouldn't have given for a "neat, well-turned ankle"!), and I would've given myself up for lost, except for my clear skin, and my pretty hair. Ach, I've been reading too much Georgette Heyer. Am I actually discussing thick ankles?! Gosh, I've slipped over some edge.... I think that to have male and female versions of one word only drives a further block into humanity's struggle for equality. (Hey, me use big words!) We no longer refer to authors and authoresses, so why the actors and actresses, the waiters and waitresses? I prefer the bland "server" in place of either of the latter terms -- it neatly side-steps the gender question. Some people say "thespian" instead of actor or actress, and of course it's all "author" these days and never authoress. Well, I'll have to haul out a copy of Dickens and read the tale! I haven't actually ever read it that I can remember, but I saw a play version at HC a couple years ago. Oooh, I don't really know what specifics Rachel has considered. At this point she's leaning more toward an MD, but I think she'd be about nutrition or general natureopathy -- if that's helpful...? I can never really keep the terms straight. I think Rach's mentioned Clayton, but I didn't know it was in Alabama. I thought most of the schools of natural medicine were out west. Yeah, everywhere there's a doorway or entryway, we have a door, in our house. Just the way it was built, I guess.... The house is about 80 years old, with all the original woodwork. It's quite beautiful, in a homey sort of way. Visit my web site at! |