Enter the rhyming words. |
Post the rhyming words for the word given to you and enter another word for the next person. For example: rain, pian, gain, stain...........ship The next person will post the rhyming words for ship. You can post as many words as you want. P.S. 'Orange' has no rhyming word. |
Loot lute poot toot.... banana. (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) Happy pappy sappy nappy......... garage. (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) hind, blind, kind, lined, mined, dined, find, signed..... purple (Rusty Quill ) furple, burple, murple, herple ..... magnificent (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) native......... indian (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) pure manure ........... shut (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) rut, hut, strut, but ... hose (Forge ) feet, fleet, beat, neat, cheat,......water (Pandora ) bought her, fought her, daughter ... hose (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) shunt, runt, blunt, stunt, grunt ... court (Forge ) sport, purport, support, wart......hinge (Petra Pansky ) fringe, tinge, cringe, singe....fish (Maryann ) wish, dish... miss (Crimson Goth ) bliss, dis, hiss, kiss, miss, priss, sis, this...pimple (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! ) wow (Nani: Overstressed ) Ow, cow, sow, how, now.....................Yucky (Nani: Overstressed ) ship....trip rip snitch,hitch,clitch? (*Urban^Legacy* ) deafen (Ever Menthany ) Stefan, left hand, lessen, deaf hen, left in, reffin', kraft tin, slept in, ......fossil (Coal ) collossal, window-sill, big chill....Orange (catty ) Collossal, windowsill, big chill....Stage *not orange * (catty ) caution (Joan ) caution....slow (Joan ) untame, fontain (French for `fountain`), plantain (banana)..............love (pentatonic ) OT:
daughter (frankie ) bind/brind, dined, grind, hind, kind, lined, mined/mind, pined, rind, shined/signed, vined, whined/wind....happy (pentatonic ) daughter, sought her, caught her, bought her ... purple, her pull, burple ... smooth (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) steven... even...beaver (writing paduwan ) beaver...cleaver,receiver....watch (writing paduwan ) mountain, fountain...germane (writing paduwan ) germane, propane, substain... lady (Chris ) Haiti, Sadie....sweet (chatabit ) cents, pence, rents, tens.......five (Emilyisawesomeagain ) bee-rain, C-train, pee-brain... what rhymes with party? (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) knight light bright site kite....red (Joan ) bread,lead,said,head...aid (Joan ) afraid, maid, made, paid, laid, fade, trade, prayed, stayed, bade, hayed, raid........ people (coolk440 ) insane, henbane, rent-a-Dane, pin brain... tomato (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) chip, lip, dip, strip, crypt, slip, pip, clip, drip, sip, tip, nip, tulip, Next work - Winter (Rune Draegonne ) winter - splinter, sprinter, printer, tinter - truck (Aimster ) truck duck cluck muck *uck tuck suck, oh for heaven sakes there is a thousand of them, next word - social (Steev the Friction Wizurd ) teddy, ready, already, heady, steady, unsteady, ........................... pressure (the last cicada ) bopped, flopped, topped, cropped, lopped, sopped, bellyflopped...................token (SilverMoon♡Cupid ) Spoken.... Trick (crystal ) Soup, coup, loop, stoop, hoop, bloop...........Grind (Omega Nexus (Bugsplat) ) Dumb, sum, some, come, rum, gum, yum, mum, hum, bum..... Lair (Soh ~ Luminousa ) Tree, Bee, Tea, Knee, Key, Gee, He, Me, Pea, Wreath, See, We, Ye....Bible (Danza ) scribal, tribal and, I have to use a dictionary, libel.... explicit. (Zhen ) implicit, illicit, complicit, biscuit, visit...................... Delegate. (Krone ) Total Displayed: 50 |