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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Dark · #1481910
may vampire car
i guess it wouldn't hurt, just half way ,right?"
that's all he need he was up and waiting for me holding my closed umbrealla.
i smiled and skooted out of the booth he left a tip and opened the door for me.
"Thank you" i said curtcieing
he bowed
.I couldn't help but giggle. we slowly walked though the main part of town.
"which direction do u live?" he asked
"umm past the though the park past the woods." i said .close enough he can't find out i thought shaking myself.he was humming.then his eyes were wide. i paused
"Oh!! u said u had a gurdian?! wha- well um, how? how did it come to that?" he stuttered relizing it might be a difficult question. i smiled. human curtacey? odd.
"They were murdered and Nix was their when it happened and took me in" i said with no pain in the words.
he stood in front of my and look me in the eye
"im sorry about your parents," he said he wanted to go on
i smiled.
"You got my attention.ask away" I said waving my hand
"how old where you?"
" five. I still remember it" i looked at the sky. we had entered the park.
"i was in the kitchen" i said after taking a long breath we both swung on the swings.
"and mum was talking to Nix over dinner.Dad was reading the paper and i was playing with my potatoes." I wondered why he cared " some thing crashed though the windows.It was a rock."
"a rock?" Leo asked.
"yeah. it said... something that troubled dad. he told us all to go up stairs in the bathroom and lock the door.Nix took me there right away but mom stayed down stairs and questioned dad" I took a deaper breath."Me and Nix waited for an hour.Then Nix went down stairs.I knew they were dead already. I drew myself a cold bath and dipped myself in to shock my nerves. and my lungs would be to tight and cold to cry to much.when Nix cam upstairs,tears welding in her eyes.'i know' i told her.and dunked myself under the water then when i came up, i started to cry.i didnt want that.so i held myself under water for a longer time that nix would allow." I looked up at the moon it was full. i was thirsty and there was a human sitting next to me. i started to hyperventalate a bit instince taking over slitly.Leo looked over out of the corner of his eye.
"its ok.you don't have to tell me if you cant, or don't want to" he said it with so much caring and inocence. I could feel my eyes slit .I had to get out of here! whatever part of me that was still normal was batteling with the blood thirst inme and the moon which would be half way up in the sky soon. i paniked .
"um-umm. I-ug" my voice became deeper and i could see my hair get darker. Leo just swung next to me
"you ok?" he asked. i gave him the thumbs up and then put the top of my thumb were my kenigh teeth were to stop them from growing but they sliced though my skin
"Ah!" i cryed out and pulled away my thumbs. It was happening Waaaay to fast my hair grew darker. Leo jumped off his swing and held my wrists.
"Are you ok???" he said really conserned.
i held up my thumbs my head down so he wouldnt see the fandgs and slited eyes. he dabbed the blood on his shirt and took out a napkin he had in his poket and wraped it around the thumbs. it came undone as soon as he took his hands away.he gave a nervous laugh. i sort of hunfed as a little laugh... he got it.
"are you ok? lets walk you home" he said and held out his hand. i took it and hosted myself up. but the other side wanted to smell his blood.I staggered. and he put my arm over his shoulder and started walking in the wrong direction. i pointed left and stopped my feet. he changed course . I was suprized at how strong he was! he seemed a little weak when they first met but not now. he was holding most of me up.
" umm...distaction time.OK ready to feel better? " he slowly in-gaged on a conversation of school and how weird it was i didnt think about the moon or how good his blood would feel between my fingers or how her teeth where throbing. She payed atteintion to his school life. She pondered the possablilates of how Mr. Burnunck could get locked in the bath room stall.and how his food allways ended up on his shirt and why the poupular girls picked on him and then the next day flirted with him. how steffany had asked him to go on a date as a dare. then all of a sudden we were at my dead end. swamp sweet swamp.(accually i had a tree bedroomish..)
"um where do we go now?"he asked
I managed to mantain my regular voice " i'll just go though this swamp to get home"
"I should come with you" he said. conserened
"I will be fine. See you tomarrow after school?" i finished up so there where no more questions
"um yeah! that be great i get out at three oclock. are you sure youll be fine??" he said coming back to the question.
"yeah.see yah" i said and climbed though the swamp
Nix's head rose up though some duck weed.
"where have you been?" she asked a thick accsent still on her lips from talking to different critters
"oh, i got caught up in stuff." i said hoping she wounldnt go deeper in to my day
"stuff?" she questioned "what type of stuff?"
"human stuff. some person knocked me and treated me to a pie in forgivness" i said
she glared at me and the shruged.
"Lookit what I found" she said and leaded me deeper into the swamp.
I just made out the mucky figure of a bicyle.It looked old, The tire that was sticking up was very large and thin.
"uuuhn" I said (apresiative sound ) Nix smiled and then sent me off to bed. I climbed the tree. It wasnt that easy. Once in I ploped myself in front of the mirror i had garbege-picked and looked at myself. My hair was numerous shades darker.My fangs where long and sharp.my eyes slit. I looked over all more... Harmful. I jumped into bed. not bothering to take off my dress. it took me awhile but, finally, i felt better.
i woke up feeling much better.i crawled to the mirror and was speachless. my white dress had blood gomped down the front! I checked myself for wounds.and paused, the door was open, i wouldnt have left it open constantly.I thought though the possablilatys.and settled that in the middle of the night, I had gone and drank some ones blood!?
I too a deep breath and took off my dress. I grabed a cloth by my water bin and washed the blood off of me and then dunked my dress in the water. it didnt come off that well so i just left it soaking. then i went over to my clothes pile and grabbed a brown spagetie tank top and a white skirt. throwing them on, and climbing down the ladder.I grabbed the baking powder my tooth brush and a water bottle. i stuck the top of the tooth brush in my mouth then took it out, and out it in the baking soda. then i brushed my teeth. I went to check on Nix. She was washing off a cool looking bike.She cuppewd her hands under water and then dumped the water on spots then rubbed on it with a rag. it was a pretty tall bike, with a banna seat and a missing tire.
"ahh, good morning, would you take this into town for me and get a new wheel?" she said
"yep sure, can i take it now?" i asked . Nix nodded.
I had to take it around the smamp to get a sort of okay path to oddly roll the bike along.I thought about what happened last night and saw a dead deer on the side of the road. I dropped the bike .
and the shook my head. I Knew. i just knew that i wouldn't have.Picking up the bike, I looked back at the deer.No I was sure it had been hit. I looked stright ahead . Thinking about the rasberry pie,the orange hint on the east side of the clouds, I saw a very small cloud, and felt sad for it, because it was all alone.I saw a butterfly on the road it was stuck ,one of its wings was sticking to the ground, a car was coming. I droped to bike and waved fuirsley to the car it kept coming at the same speed, the butterfly still struggled. I ran out in the front of the car, more on instincs than thought.The car screched to a stop in a split second a bent down scooped it up and threw it off the side of the road. My back stiffened.
I was laying on the hood from the car hitting me . My head ached and my foot felt like it was on fire .Gasping for breath , I shifted into a more comftorble postion with my arms.I heard a car door open and slam shut.
"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard a boy yell
"May!? May!! Are you okay? Oh my god May please be okay" he said
"isokay" i mumbled
the boy came around to the other side.Leo! (He's not old enough to drive!)
"himle-oh" i mumbled a greating.Leo looked worryed.
I watched hid face grow pale and he looked at my anckle.I slowly moved my head to look .God I had a bad head ach. I looked at my foot.
"Oh god" I moaned looking away.It was red with blood and blue from a quick bruise.
I slide down the hood of the car. Leo held my arm.He picked me up and put me in the front seat.
"wait!" i said looking him in the eye "Right side of the road. look for a small blue butter fly"
He looked slightly confused but scittered acroos the gravel.I saw him bending down .The i saw a little butterfly fly out of his hands. i sighed.
He came back to the cafr and ast down in the driver seat.
"are yoiu legal?" I said misproncing you .
"Kinda. Im fifteen so witha adult i am" he said with a smile.
"gimme your shirt" i said,He frowned and took it off throwing it at me.I took a milisecond to oggle. and then ripped up the shirt"he-eay!!!" he said once he heard the ripping.
"You.eyes.road.consontration"I said and continued ripping the shirt.
"ah! where do i go? we don't have a hospital or a doctors!" he said driving slower.
" Go to the vetrenaries and get some antiaspetic and cast tape" I said
He took a right and stoped the car. He looked at me in worry.
"you'll be okay?"he asked
"of course. Go"i said
He left the car and i let a few tears roll, and really exsamed the wound.It wasn't that bad. i wipped it up with the shirt stripps and wrapped it around. i knew it would heal fast for me but the tingles spreading though my body, were almost to much to handle. For my body, if i get hurt, it evenly distributes the pain every where,but it goes thiugh in shocks that were the weirdest feeling.He came back in,and handed me a bag. i took it out, and desided against it, because of the worryed look on Leos face.
"Leo? Leeoo.do you wanna ,stand out side? or look away? you look pale."
"himhum? what? oh yeah yeha sure i think i'll just...yeah." he stepped out side
hum i guess he doesn't like blood. i said to my self
I rubbed the antiaspetic over the wound and used the rest of Leos shirt to wrap it up, and then used the tape to sicure it. I knocked on leos window and he peeked in and opened the door.
"are you okay?I mean i just..Hit you with my car!!!!!!!!!!! ah! i hit you with my car!"he looked paniked in to my eyes .
I laughed "yeha im fine i dont feel any thing any way" I tryed to put as much joy into my eyes.
"So.."leo started " Do you wanna go home? or maybe eat something? or sleep?"
"Gosh Leo your such a mother.Um can we go to the park?
I was suprized.Leo seemed Sooo much ....more calm since yesterday.
Leo stopped the car and came around to help me out. I acsepted his help. But I walked to a bench on my own.He sated down next to me.mmm he was warm. I noticed i had goose bumps and the sun wasn't out.Unconsciencely i lended towards him. He saw,but didn't move me or him.
"Leo? Don't you have school?"
"yeah! you know what? we have today off! ''
"you liar"
"Did you belive me for a bit?"
"humf ..but yeah it'll be okay"
I nodded"Whats you family like Leo." he thoughts for moment.
"I have two younger sisters, moms a wedding planner, and my dad is an artist.We live in a nice little house, we have a back yard.
"Our kitchens' a deep purple"he said smirking "one of dads master plans and thankfully he hasn't gotten to my room"he shuttered
"hehe" I cooed "whas your mom like?"
"ah mom.Shes good. Always bringing home left over fancy food from the weddings."
He continued to talk about his family and I drifted asleep.

I woke up and it was dark. my arms were around..Leo!! oops .He was asleep also with his arms around me. might as well enjoy the heat while i can.
It's always cold in my room.I thought about Leos rusty brown hair, his green eyes, his strong body.Oh woe...he still was shirtless.i moved my hands a bit, blushed and listened to his breathing.
"nnh was wrong" he mumbled "nuhum?no ,yes, im not your kat!!!"he mumbled loudly
"shh , shh, your not a cat Leo,shh" I told him quietly and traced my fingers on his side.
''mmmm'' he moved a little bit
eep okay so when he wakes up i'll pretend to just be waking up, and jerk away.
i grinned at my plan. i was so stupid.hehe.
Leo blinked and looked around. he probably couldn't see anything .It was pretty late.
"oh!" he said when he saw him self wrapped around me and me around him
"hmmm? wha?" i mummbled like i was just waking up
I looked up. and jerked away
"sorry" i mumbled
"oh er yeah me to.shoot what time is it??" he said
"probably way to late" i said and tryed to stand up.I fell right into the dirt.
"ahh! what the?oh my leg!"i said rembering what happened that day.. or yesterday depending on the time.
leo jumped down and pciked me up
"atata ow" i said . why did i hurt so bad? i should have been better.
Leo carryed me to the car
"you dont have to do this you know" i said unhappy
"oh really?" he swung me down and placed me on the ground fror a moment. i started to fall,and he caught me
"Yeah i didn't think so" he housted me back up on to his shoulders and the put me in the car.
"shoot how the heck am i gonna climb through the forest?" i said aloud
"do you think Nix it worried?"
"naw, why?" i said
"youre staying at my house"
eep a boys house
he turned to look at me
"yes, you are"
i frowned and went with it.
"fiiiinne, how's your parents gonna be with it?"
"they'll be fine"and he turned his attention to the road.
we got to his house and he carryed me in
"This is so embassing!" i whispered furiously
"Why? whos gonna see you?"
"Your family maybe?" i said sacrasticly
He opened the door with one of his hands and I hung over his shoulder limply seeing everything from a back view.
he stepped in and my eyes hurt because of the bright light.
"Hello Leo your home la- what the... whatcha got there???" i heard a male voice say
Leo turned around and i weakly waved to Leos father.
"gee well hello" i said
Leo turned around again
"This is May. I met her the other day and i met her again to day exepct i kinda hit her with the car...but shes okay!"
i heard the screeching of the chair being pushed back .
"May?! are you alright?" i heard a panicked voice ask me
"yeha im fine" i said
"Dad, shes tired im gonna get out the cot and sleep on that and im gonna put her in my bed"
His dad sat back down
"okidoki then" he said
Leo carryed me up stairs into his room which was pretty tidy i must admit.
and layed me down on the bed and from the closet he pulled out a folded up cot out and unfolded it.He poped it out and went out of the room. he came back in with new sheets and put it on the bed. I lay there comsumed in just watching him. He looked at me and laughed.I chucked to,at how helpless i could imagen i looked. He fished around in a cupbored and pulled out twos sweat pants and a big baggy t shirt he threw the shirt and sweat pants at me and started to walk out the door
"I'm gonna change in the bath room, so you can change here" he closed the door.
I looked around and took off my shirt and slipped on the big t shirt he had given me . I chuckled it said 'Coozies'
" The boy really does live there" i said. I swiggled out of my shirt ,trying to not bump my anckle.and put the pants on. I looked around the room, it looked like the walls were green, it was a nice sized room. I heard a knock on the door.
"Are you decent?" i heard Leo say . i laughed
"Yeah im good" i reponded
Leo walked in , his old clothes over his bare shoulder, he threw them in a landry basket.And jumped on the cot, it folded up around him and he fell to the floor, cot-in all.
"Eeep! Leo you okay?" I asked
"uuuhn ow" he said and slipped out of the cots grasp .He stood up and unfolded it, pressed dwon with his hands, and the sat down.
"Were good!" he said and layed down
i chucked and got under the covers. This was werid.I was sleeping where Leo sleeps.
i drifted into unconscince.
I woke up from a pain in my foot. I was leaning over Leos cot, close to his neck.I jerked up holding my hands over my mouth, ah!!! I just tryed to bite him!
My anckel! Ow. I limped to the bathroom and locked the door.
I looked into the mirror my hair was black and my teath were full grown.Danm! I pounded my fists on the counter.A small vase fell from on top of a glass shelf above the mirror and shattered.The pieces bounced, some of them scraching her arms and face . Tears ran down my face.This was so annoying! I could feel my body taking in the pain and sending it around.
Why couldn't i be alone with him with out messing everthing up?In rage i carelessly ripped of the bandages and washed off the wound .I bit my lip and the regreted it .my fangs ripped open my lips.
"ggod!" i mumbled under my breath and dabbed my bottom lip with a wad of toleit paper.I chuckled because some o the paper stuck so i looked stupid. i sighed and resuemed looked at my anckle.Ug why wasnt it healing?
I held my breath and reopened it by sticking my finger in it and yanked my finger out.
"yow!" i said and the pain fluttered across my body
I figured if i re opened it, my body would get over the previous glitch and heal it.
I groaned and climbed in the bath tub.I couldnt reuse the old bandages and i didnt want to get blood all over Leos bed.
I fell into an uncomforcle sleep.
I rolled over and hit my head on the foset.Foset? god i was in the tub . My back was arched funny and my knees were bent and on either side of the tub.I tryed to get up but slipped my hand reached up and i found something to hold in to, i pulled on it, and cold cold water poured over my head.I was momentarly shocked and the i scrambled out of the tub, I banged my ankle.
"Ah!" I yelped and sat down clutching it.I heard a bang on the door and Leos worried voice
"May?May? are you in there? are you taking a shower?" I winced and reached in the bath tub and turned off the water while saying
"yeah i'm okay no im not taking a shower"
Leo came in and looked confused and the took a step closer aan yelped and jumped out of the room.
"why the heck is ther glass all over the floor?" I could see him sitting down looking at his cut.
"Ah! your all cut up!" he said looking at my arms and face.I felt with my hands and could feel little gashes.
"oh, erm a little vase fell and shattered every where last night" i explained
"..why areyou in here? Did you sleep in here?and why was the water on?" Leo said one at a time, thinking them out
"I came in her last night to check my cut and then i couldnt put the bandages back on and i didn't want to get blood on your bed.so i slept in the bath tub, and when i woke up i acsadentally turned the water on"I said looking down at my wet clothes
"I think your sitting on glass" Leo pointed out
"shoot" i said, and then shivered.Leo ran down the hall way and the came back in to the bath room with shoes on the he picked me up and brought me to his room and sat me down. he sat on the cot, directly across from me.
"I hit you with my car!" he said
I goraned and laid on my back.
"we esablished that Leo" i said smiling. "I'm okay really i could probably walk ,even.
"hum" Leo said and flopmed back on the cot.
I looked at the clock.
"Leo? Don't you have school?" I asked him
"Wha-? I don't...Oh! shoot" he said i heard him jump off the cot and ruffle though his drors.

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