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Rated: E · Group · Other · #1825441
Group Page for the Punctuation Inc. Class
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Welcome to Punctuation Inc.

Hello. My name is Pat ~ Rejoice always! , and I am your instructor for Punctuation Inc. We hope your time at the Punctuation Inc. will be rewarding as we learn how to use punctuation marks to express what we want our reader to hear when they read our sentences. We'll learn to make these punctuation marks work for us: periods, question marks, exclamation marks, colons, semicolons, quotation marks, italics, underlining, apostrophes, parentheses, hyphens, dashes, and ellipsis dots. Whew! *Pthb* Did you even know that parentheses and italics are legitimate punctuation marks? Well, so they are, and we may even toss in a few other surprises for you—at no extra charge!

You may have noticed a significant punctuation mark missing from our list. We will leave most of the comma instruction to Winnie Kay and her excellent course, Comma Sense. See the New Horizon's Course Catalog for more information. However, a few of those determined commas will find their way into our neighborhood. We will study the rules of punctuation as they apply to the writing we do here at Writing.com. We will not cover punctuation used in research papers and other writing which requires special formatting and the use of cited works. The source for all the rules we cover in this class is The Chicago Manual of Style, Sixteenth Edition (University of Chicago, 2010). 

Never hesitate to ask questions; others will benefit from the answers to your questions. That is one reason I encourage everyone to visit "Invalid Item every day. It's our classroom, and learning goes on there all through the week. You can learn from each other, teach each other, encourage each other, and count on Ollie Owl and me to help sort it out. Ms. Winnie teaches next door, and she pops in to visit us when she has time. 

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*Document* Post the weekly lessons in a e-mail to the class no later than Friday morning. (I'll usually open the lessons on Thursday evenings.)

*Clock2* Respond in a timely manner to any questions or issues.
I will answer my emails and any questions that may arise in the classroom forum "Invalid Item as quickly as possible. I hope that "Invalid Item is lively with discussion and interaction.

*Key2* Keep all grades private.
All assignments and grades are kept private. I grade your assignments and send your weekly and final grades along with graded assignments. You will also need to set your Access Restrictions on all your assignments to Punctuation Inc. Group. That makes the classroom a safe place for you to practice punctuation. Only your classmates and I will see your assignments

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*Document* By registering for a class, you are agreeing to follow class instructions and to complete the class. You are responsible for completing each assignment by 11:59 (WDC) on Thursday or notifying the instructor if you cannot. This is important because I need the time to grade all assignments before students start needing my time on the next lesson. You need to be on time with each assignment so you'll be ready to start the next lesson on Friday morning. Trust me—each lesson requires your full attention.  If you can't complete an assignment on time, you should contact me.

*Right* You are allowed TWO extensions during the term. If you fall behind after that, you will be dropped from the class. We don't like doing that, but it makes it harder on you and on me trying to catch up all the time.

*Watch* Please do not procrastinate. Start studying your lesson as soon as you can. Be fair to yourself and give yourself time to study, ask questions, get help when needed, and complete your assignments by the weekly deadline. I may not get to check the classroom forum right away, so start on the lesson right away so you'll have time to ask questions in the forum and get responses from me before the assignment is due. 

*Bell* Keep in mind that "Invalid Item is our classroom. It is open every day. Try to visit every day to ask questions, interact with your classmates, and even help classmates with their questions about punctuation. Our conversations in the forum provide us with practice using the information we have learned for each lesson. The more involved you are in this class, the more you will learn.

*Dialog* Sharing with your classmates and learning from them is a crucial part of this class. I expect everyone to participate heartily in the Discussion Topics and respond to at least three classmates in addition to your own answers to the Discussion Questions. This counts as 25% of your grade and points will be counted off for incomplete answers and responses to others.

*Peace* Respect other students and the faculty
This should go without saying. You must be respectful at all times to fellow students and faculty—no exceptions. There will be zero tolerance for students making fun of each other or teasing each other. Our classroom is a SAFE place where students can feel comfortable asking questions and stepping up to the chalkboard to give their answers. OUR CLASSROOM IS A SAFE PLACE TO MAKE MISTAKES. We will use mistakes to help us learn more about correct punctuation. Feel free to make FUN, but never make fun of someone. If you find you are having issues with faculty or students, you should follow the policies set forth by the .

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*Stop* Dropping a class 
It is your responsibility to inform the class instructor in a timely manner that you are dropping a class. If you become two weeks late in your assignments or you fall behind after TWO extensions, you will be notified that you will be dropped from the class if the assignments aren't caught up.

*MailV* Please email me with concerns that do not belong in the classroom. *MailV*

*Hourglass* Falling behind

We understand that life may step in and prevent you from completing assignments on time. If this occurs, please notify me as soon as possible. If you fail to notify me or the administration within 14 days of being late with an assignment, consider yourself dropped from the course. You will receive an email from me stating that. This is Academy policy. Besides, any student who is more than two weeks behind cannot catch up before the end of the school term. Remember, when you think you will be late with a lesson, or you are a number of days late, please notify me. I can help you avoid being dropped from the class. Extensions may be received for the asking in most cases. As your instructor, I want you to succeed and will help you any way that I can.

I know there are times when you have no choice but to leave our class.
Unexpected events cannot be controlled. However, if you can hang in there,
*Heart* I will do everything I can to help you complete the course. *Heart*

We give you everything necessary for success and provide extra
time for you to learn the material and show your ability to apply the
knowledge in your writing. We will never turn away a student in need.
If you need assistance, I am at your disposal.

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*Document*  Weekly Exercises and Writing Assignments make up 75% of your grade. The Weekly Discussion Topic is 25% of your grade and is broken down into two grading components. Your response in the Weekly Discussion Topic counts for 15% of your weekly grade. Your interaction with your classmates on the Weekly Discussion Topic AND in the questions about the week's lesson that are discussed during the week count as 10%. Therefore, if you choose to complete only the weekly assignments and forgo the Weekly Discussion, the highest score you could receive is 75%, which is a C. Providing feedback and help to other students is important and requires helpful, serious responses. A quick ten words won't get it. Besides, you'll miss out on the most fun part of the class. Discover how much fun it is to interact with classmates, issue challenges, or help someone out with a punctuation question. *Smile*

The grading scale:
97–100 =  A+
94 – 96 =  A
90 – 93 =  A-
87 – 89 =  B+
84 – 86 =  B
80 – 83 =  B-
77 – 79 =  C+
74 – 76 =  C
70 – 73 =  C-
67 – 69 =  D+
64 – 66 =  D
60 – 63 =  D-

*Document* If you receive a grade below a C- on an assignment, you have the option of retaking the assignment to raise your grade. I will gladly answer any questions you have about the assignment so that you should be able to review the lesson and examples again and make a higher score the second time. However, it's ALWAYS best to ask questions BEFORE you submit your assignments. I will help you anyway that I can to successfully complete the assignment.

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*Sun* New Lessons are opened on or before Friday mornings. (I usually open new lessons on Thursday evenings.)
*Moon* All assignments will be due by the following Thursday night at 11:59 p.m. (WDC time)

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*Clock* Weekly answers to the Discussion Topic need to be posted in the forum by Monday night at 11:59 p.m.
*Clock* That allows you three days to read each other's comments and respond to them. Discussion is a crucial part of our learning. You should respond to at least three classmates' post each week in addition to your own answers to the Discussion Questions. A mere ten words will not constitute a proper answer or response. Give it some real thought. 

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*FolderB* Make a Folder for Punctuation Inc. in your portfolio. This folder will hold Lesson Exercises, Write It Right Assignments, and a static item to store punctuation rules and examples, as well as resource links you can use after class is over. SET THIS FOLDER TO Group Punctuation Inc. so that only I can see your assignments.  If you know how to create a static item, you can create a folder. However, if you need help, just let me know.

*Document* For step-by-step instructions on creating a static item, folder, or b-item link, click below:
             "Invalid Item          "Invalid Item           "Invalid Item

Lesson Links:
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item


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  Group Members:  3 Members

  Group Gift Point Balance:  18,554 GPs

This group has 3 members.

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