Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/191762-Christian-Writers-Plug-Page
Rated: E · In & Out · Religious · #191762
In & Out made by a Christian writer for Christian writers; be encouraged!
Attention all Christian writers! This in & out is for you! Promote any writing style you want--contests, poetry, message forums, campfires, you name it. A couple rules. PLEASE DO NOT PLUG ANYTHING NC-17 OR HIGHER! I encourage all of you to promote each other as well as your own work. Above all, please promote work that encourages the saints and furthers the Living Gospel! This is a great opportunity to build each other up in Christ! Start a community today! Enjoy and may God bless you abundantly!

By the way, here's my forum:

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Last Modified: 12-31-69 @ 7:00pm
by A Guest Visitor

Check it out and may Jesus bless you through what's in it!

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#499584 by Not Available.
"Loving him and Him."
-- Kenzie
What cha got? "Love Eternal"   (E)

"Love is never easy. We're human! But I know where to go for help..."
-- Kenzie
What cha got? "Teach Me Lord"   (ASR)

"...but rather, be encouraged!"
-- Stallion
What cha got? "Don't Be Disappointed"   (E)

"A story told to me..."
-- Kenzie
What cha got? "A Small Child Shall Lead Them"   (E)

"When I awaken in the morning, I listen to the birds and I am comforted. Happy Holidays from your sister in Christ."
-- The HighRoller
What cha got? "WHY DO THE BIRDS SING"   (E)

"This might not make everyone happy...but..it is what was on my mind today."
-- Kenzie
What cha got? "What is the Message?"   (E)

"A short story based on a true experience when a friend asked me to pick up her children because she was going to commit suicide."
-- Vivian
What cha got? "Another Nightmare"   (E)

"The story told in another way."
-- Kenzie
What cha got? "The Animals Knew Him"   (ASR)

"A Christian novel should be as good as a secular one. Inspiration is no excuse for poor work. Reviews welcomed!"
-- Victoria Earle
What cha got? "Novel: Woman, Gentle Woman"   (13+)

"Sometimes I am blessed, and I need to tell someone else. I hope it blesses you, too."

"Speaks of Christian service"
-- PlannerDan
What cha got? "Hands of Hope"   (E)

"Speaks to the glory of God's creation"
-- PlannerDan
What cha got? "Encounter in the Garden"   (E)

"This was both an outpouring and a confession, and God is still working in my life. "
-- Victoria Earle
What cha got? "Novel: Fire in the Heart"   (13+)

"It's been a long time since I wrote anything new. Life keeps me from it!"

"the darkest times find me glad Hes there"
-- feelingfine
What cha got? "Turning to Him"   (13+)

"My vision of God's love. "
-- JMiles
What cha got? "Ballad of Love"   (E)

"I'd like to get this published. What do you thing?"

"Calling all Christians! Check this out."
-- Romantic Idealist
What cha got? "What's Your Story?"   (E)

"Jesus Christ is the one that makes me whole..."
-- MarysTears
What cha got? "The One Who Makes Me Whole"   (E)

"A Christmas Contest (closes Nov 30th) - retell the story of the birth of Christ in your own words. BUT - be true to the Gospels."

"This is an illustration of salvation. I wrote it to help explain salvation to non-believers. There may been points I haven't covered, but I offer it as a meditation."
-- Come Fly with Me--Kiter
What cha got? "The Credit Card"   (E)

"This is my first young adult inspirational book. Chapter one is a introduction to the story. I would appreciate first impressions. Thanks"
-- Sweet Spring Farm
What cha got? "Matthew's Legacy"   (E)

"I let God down and now I am trying to make a mends. By reading my poems could you tell me how I'm doing?"
-- pattonamd
What cha got? "Halfway"   (E)

"Still trying to find my place with God. I can write about it easier than I can talk about it. What do you think? I need someones opinion. I just feel lost."
-- pattonamd
What cha got? "The Heart Of AFool"   (E)

"Still looking for a cure and a way to mend my heart and my relationship with the Lord. Please read this, it is only a poem and it won't take long."
-- pattonamd
What cha got? "I Had To Go Somewhere"   (E)

"A piece about being out of love's reach."
-- Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life
What cha got? "If Only I Were Whole"   (ASR)

"A tough topic, but one that needed to be broached. This is a short essay."
-- inky
What cha got? "Homosexuality"   (13+)

"Thoughts after surviving cancer."
-- NOVAcatmando
What cha got? "Something Beautiful"   (E)

"Yeah, his name was "Sand" as in dirt that really hurts when it gets blown into your eye (rated for the audience I'd prefer to read it, not for content)"
-- JustTurtle
What cha got? "Assumptions"   (13+)

"A story of how I grew to know God more..."
-- williakakie256
What cha got? "I Live For You"   (E)

"Hope it is okay to plug this fictional series here. Although not explicitely spiritual, it is about a young man who takes his faith very seriously in unusual circumstances."
-- ElaineElaine
What cha got? "Galactic Guardian Serial"   (13+)

 What's Your Story?  (E)
A forum designed for researching others' stories about God/Jesus. Post your testimony.
#381077 by Romantic Idealist
-- Romantic Idealist
What cha got? "What's Your Story?"   (E)

"A song to uplift and edify Christians, as well as reach out to all who haven't found the love of Jesus"
-- Praise4therestofmydays
What cha got? "Are you lost?"   (E)

"Words given to me by God; and all inclusive poem to comfort and advise everyone in any situation."
-- Praise4therestofmydays
What cha got? "Our Lord beckons"   (E)

"A personal reflection poem. Declaring what I am and what I'm not all in the name of my savior Lord Jesus"
-- Royal Court Jester
What cha got? "I am"   (E)

"My personal belief of how God exists."
-- Royal Court Jester
What cha got? "Salvation"   (E)

"Righteous anger for the devil. Reminding him what will happen when Christ returns. "
-- Royal Court Jester
What cha got? "We will not be moved"   (E)

"Establishing to Satan and his minions what side is stronger, who will endure and who will perish."
-- Royal Court Jester
What cha got? "The cross and the shield"   (E)

"This is going to be interesting. When I post this, it is going to say, "What cha got?" and the answer will be, "The External Trappings of Success". Interesting because that is exactly what I do not have. Your thoughts?"
-- ruwth
What cha got? "The External Trappings of Success"   (E)

"Uplifting words from OUR FATHER, to help you in any situation. HE said in Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. "
-- Praise4therestofmydays
What cha got? "Our Lord beckons"   (E)

""A poem about how God took the shroud of my past and washed it in the river of His forgiveness.""
-- Oasis
What cha got? "The Shroud"   (E)

"Didn't get a host of reviews. It's a new look at living in blood, taken from Mayan culture and beyond. It is meant as both a general article and a Christian piece"
-- Michaelmountain:spring hope
What cha got? "Kingdom of Blood"   (13+)

"Is this stickly a Christian piece or can it be general? It got very few reviews, so I would like feedback"
-- Michaelmountain:spring hope
What cha got? "Kingdom of Blood"   (13+)

"New Landscape"
-- lola999
What cha got? "My New landscape"   (E)

"Hopefully the first in a series of dissertations/theses on scriptural doctrines "
-- Prester John
What cha got? "The Holy Trinity"   (E)

"She took the road of return. . .that was only the beginning. Read of an adulteress' journey and her walk with Christ in my novel Sins of a Woman!"

"She had the kind of beauty that would make a man sin. And sin he had. . ."

"Hello, I am looking for reviews for my short story Back to Basics. I am considering getting it published so any insight into improvements would be greatly appreciated!"
-- David F. Garner
What cha got? "Back To Basics"   (E)

"Check this out:
"Doves On Distant Oaks
From the port of: Eric Wharton
The tagline reads: Daily devotions of scripture and encouragement
My comment: Definitely worth reading!
-- ruwth
What cha got? "My Psalm"   (E)

Check this out:
"Christian Bible Fellowship
From the port of: ruwth
The tagline reads: ♥ Do you read your Bible & find it speaking to your heart? Share your thoughts here. ♥  
-- ruwth
What cha got? "Jesus is Lord!"   (E)

Total Displayed: 50

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