: IceSkatingSugarCube  
: Stalk Home (Rated: 13+) : 07-24-19 @ 3:22pm : Posting for someone else...
: Beholden  
: James James (Rated: E) : 07-02-19 @ 7:25am : It's quite short so won't take up too much of your time. To be honest, I think it's the best thing I've ever written but I seriously need an unbiased opinion on it. It seems to attract lots of views but very few reviews.
: Paul  
: Darla, His Last Love (Rated: E) : 06-11-19 @ 7:57pm : This is a rewrite of a previous contest entry. I’m trying for a piece to submit to some magazines, maybe Readers Digest, those that publish sad stories about pets. My wife’s death after 45 years and Darlas death are real incidents from my life.
: Misty Shade  
: Adam's Honesty (Rated: 18+) : 06-07-19 @ 5:20am : This is the second one.
Thank You
: Misty Shade  
: Wretched Words (Rated: 13+) : 06-07-19 @ 5:12am : Hello. I'm not a sensitive person and I'd appreciate your insight. I've been desperate to find out what is thought of my writing & whether its worth continuing or if I should just find something else to focus on creatively. Looking forward to your review.
: jabberwocky  
: Homecoming (Rated: 13+) : 05-29-19 @ 4:10am : A poem for review. Got the form from your contest, the shadorma
: Laurie Razor  
: Uncoiled (Rated: 18+) : 04-10-19 @ 4:06am : Just under 500 words. I won the SCREAMS!!! contest with this piece, and I am proud of it. I am still a newbie, so I hope this will help with your Spring Writing Jamboree!
: Patron Of Lost Clauses  
: Hawks With Sins (Rated: 18+) : 04-02-19 @ 8:03am : Looking to publish this
: preksha  
: CHERISH MOMENTS OF CELEBRATIONS . (Rated: E) : 03-25-19 @ 3:27am : Please read my poem cherish moments of celebrations for the contest .
: preksha  
: THE VOLCANO ERUPTION . (Rated: E) : 03-24-19 @ 4:09am : Please do read my poem the volcano eruption for the contest.
: Sumojo  
: Treasure (Rated: E) : 03-11-19 @ 9:54am : Would like your impressions of this simple story, recently edited.
Cheers Sue
: IceSkatingSugarCube  
: Phineas (Rated: E) : 02-28-19 @ 6:42pm : Posting for someone else.
: Laurie Razor  
: The Emerald Rubicon (Rated: GC) : 02-27-19 @ 10:22am : A few views, no reviews.
Around 1500 words.
Laurie Razor
: Sorji is querying!  
: Head-case (Rated: 18+) : 02-20-19 @ 3:56am : This is a What-a-Character contest entry from the most recent WAC contest. I've gotten some rates and reviews but not much feedback as to how to make it better, aside from giving my main character a name. I'd appreciate if you would take a look.
: Angus  
: They Were So Nice (Rated: 18+) : 02-15-19 @ 3:49pm : Wutchathink?
: 🌖 HuntersMoon  
: Singularity (Rated: 13+) : 02-15-19 @ 10:19am : Only if you're into scifi 😁
: Angelnerd  
: Tony Stark x reader (Rated: E) : 02-11-19 @ 1:55pm : I was bored so I wrote this
: 🌖 HuntersMoon  
: A Valentine Cell-abration (Rated: 18+) : 02-11-19 @ 1:50pm : I know you've peeked - it's time to one-star this. 🤣
: Yezall Strongheart  
: An Exercise in Fear (Rated: 13+) : 02-09-19 @ 1:12pm : Let me know what you think! Things just pop into my head and I write them, not sure where this came from, LOL
: Sumojo  
: Following (Rated: 13+) : 02-08-19 @ 1:53am : Hi would love your thoughts on this. A completely different genre for me
Cheers Sue
: QPdoll  
: More Than Friends (Rated: 18+) : 02-07-19 @ 6:10pm : Thank you.
: Whata SpoonStealer  
: Just Another Walk in the Rain (Rated: 18+) : 02-05-19 @ 3:31pm : It's very long Jen, but I have been working on it. Should be done completely within 2 days. I sure hope my errors are gone, been totally working on that so the content comes through.If it doesn't catch your fancy, that's cool, I'll still skate with ya :-D
: QPdoll  
: The Castle (Rated: ASR) : 02-04-19 @ 10:01pm : If you are truly looking for something to read and review, please have a look at this. I'm submitted it to a contest and would love to receive feedback.
: Olive Ollitick  
: Stabbers (Rated: E) : 02-02-19 @ 6:43am : I recently started this story and was wondering if you could give me some feedback for it. Thanks!
: Sumojo  
: Spare parts (Rated: 18+) : 01-31-19 @ 9:46am : Hi would love to know what you think of this story The deal.
It’s a bit of a weirdo, Angus liked it ! Which probably says something 👻
Cheers Sue
: Quilli ☕  
: Dismal Creek (Rated: 13+) : 01-31-19 @ 5:49am : This is a pretty interesting story written by a fairly new member. I enjoyed reading it, maybe you will too!
: preksha  
: Slogan (Rated: E) : 01-30-19 @ 9:26am : There is a slogan on winter posted in my portfolio. Post some comments.
: preksha  
: Thought for the day (Rated: E) : 01-30-19 @ 2:16am : thought for the day on good character. its in my portfolio. please send some feedback.
: Sand Castles Shopgirl 739  
: Shameless Blue (Rated: E) : 01-24-19 @ 6:29am : Musings of a frustrated home remodeler.
: Sand Castles Shopgirl 739  
: Storm Damage (Rated: 13+) : 01-24-19 @ 6:28am : I am thinking of sending this to a magazine that only takes items from unpublished writers
: Charity Marie - <3  
: Most Wanted (Rated: 18+) : 01-21-19 @ 12:14am : For review when you're able. Contest deadline is 1/30 so I'll be revising this next week.
: Charity Marie - <3  
: Stop the World (Rated: E) : 01-20-19 @ 11:33am : Another piece I'm planning to submit for publication somewhere. It's nonfiction about my experience with suicide.
: Charity Marie - <3  
: Gone Nuts (Rated: ASR) : 01-20-19 @ 11:33am : No rush, but it's a short story I'd like to polish up for publication somewhere.
: Charity Marie - <3  
: Dear Me 2019 (Rated: E) : 01-20-19 @ 11:32am : I'm working to revise this before contest completes.
: Sumojo  
: Brooklyn Bridge (Rated: E) : 01-20-19 @ 5:54am : This is a story I’m not really equipped to write being Australian.
Would love your thoughts, did I get it right?
Very short story less than 1000
: FalaKaye  
: Et ex Laboratory Inferos (Rated: 13+) : 01-20-19 @ 4:16am : It's a pretty short one I entered in a quick contest about a week or so ago. I'd appreciate a little feedback if you have the time because I'm considering possible writing a full story for it (maybe?) if I find time.
: preksha  
: THE MUSICAL SYMPHONY (Rated: E) : 01-20-19 @ 1:43am : Visit my portfolio for the contest poem titled the musical symphony. It is for the newbies+ open poetry contest. Good news is that it has 14 fans till now.
: D. Reed Whittaker  
: Last Chance (Rated: 18+) : 01-18-19 @ 8:53pm : Pursued by Indians, only one way out. The prompt was a picture the edge of a canyon rim. Enjoy.
: Una Ciudad de la Inglaterra  
: March 2005 SS NL (Rated: ASR) : 01-18-19 @ 5:41pm : This is 2400 words, so it might be longer than you're looking for, but i'd love some honest feedback
: DumpMehInDaTrash  
: Lost Liberations (Rated: 13+) : 01-18-19 @ 2:33pm : Just a poem for venting. I love getting a new perspective on my writing, no matter how cryptic. "Hit me with your best shot."
: Sumojo  
: The nanny (Rated: 13+) : 01-16-19 @ 12:55am : Hi, if you really need an excuse to leave what you ought to be doing, please have a read. Please let me know what you REALLY think.
Cheers Sue
: Robert Waltz  
: Arundel Tower (Rated: 13+) : 01-16-19 @ 12:51am : I wrote this for a contest that's since ended, so I figured what the heck, if you want something to review - here's something. It is, however, 2500 words, so if 2000 is a hard limit, don't worry about it.
Total Displayed: 42 |