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Thirty days challenge official November
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 With My Pen I'm Fearless  (13+)
Thirty days challenge official November
#2245323 by Mary Ann MCPhedran
{bitem: add to 30DB}

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "11/11/21 30 DB I'm not a fighter so I would walk away."

KÃ¥re Enga in Montana says ""This is a fine castle , may I look around it.?" *Laugh* So disarming, like Agatha Christie. *Smile* Delightful."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "NOVEMBER 9/11/21 DB; 'This is a fine castle , may I look around it.?'"

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "Prompt 30 DB November8//11/21; I'm 81 and if I live another 10 years I will praise the Lord. I live for each day as it comes."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "November prompt 10/11/21: I'ts harvest time and I must help my neighbour with what tools I have and do my best to I can to save his crops for as the saying goes 'LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR..'"

Spooky Striped Sox says "

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Blog attempt 1.
#2260833 by Spooky Striped Sox

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "4/11/21 November prompT30 DB. I have never been aware of any missing persons therefore I can't answer this one."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "3/11/21 November prompt 30DB: CORBY NORTH NORTHAMPTON was a thriving steel town in the 1930s , and the the SCOTS , IRISJ AND WELSH, came to live in the little English village, but now it has many nationalities. A new kind has come affganistion."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "re i/11/21 30 DB: I would be lost without my laptop 1 because I live alone. 2 i can communicate with my friends and family , 3 I can log on to places in the world that interest me. Amd log onto writing .com and write write write."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "RE SIGNING IN November prompt 1/11/21 30 DB"

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "November 2/11/21 30DB prompt. I have never been to a museum so i will skip this one. add to forum"

Mary Ann MCPhedran says ""With My Pen I'm Fearless signing in 1/10/21 add to 30DB forum."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "November blog add new page 1/10/21. I would be lost without my laptop, because I live alone and I can communicate with my friends and family. 30 DB PROMPT."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "Add new page NOVEMBER OFICIAL PFOMPT signing in hide other pages "

KÃ¥re Enga in Montana says "Have you had a chance to write a post yet for November? Looking forward to it. *HeartO*"

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "July 15/7/21. 30 DB Prompt. Yesterday at my friendship club, a group of poetry readers visited our club and I have agreed to let them interview me with video."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30 DB July14//21 To day July 14 1963 my wedding day and was happily married 52 years before God called him home. "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30DB prompt JULY /13/21 I like to try different writing skills and the best is acrostic poems."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "Direct follow on July 12/21 My granny who raised me would iron her green curtains and turn on the radio gram and play IRISH songs, and up would go the curtains to conflict with next door's orange ones."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "12/July prompt 30 DB 12/7/21 All my yesterdays: On this day in Scotland where I was raised, there was a big celebration of the Orange Lodge. This is how my day began. Our next door neighbour would waken us by the loud music of the sash my father wore."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "Prompt 11/7/21 30 DB What did I learn from the weeks blog. I've been having problems with my Parkinson's and struggling to write. "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30DB JULY21 "JUST ME "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "DIRECT FOLLOW ON I worked with, Isa, she became my bet friend and helped me in a job I struggled with until I succeeded. On my writing, I struggle sometimes, but I have a good friend, ruwth she has never given up on me."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "9/ 7/21 30DB Prompt9 It's a well known fact that some people succeed \in every challenge while others struggle, I'm one of the strugglers, and I never find a task easy, I may have to attempt a task several times before its complete. and a person "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "RE prompt 8/7/21 30 DB, {bitem:30 days blog forum} "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "prompt 7/7/21 My war challenge is a poem I wrote it is my first poem.

 { OT Rag Man GIVE100} 97  (E)
my entry to give 100 contest}
#2077397 by Mary Ann MCPhedran
link to forum. "

KÃ¥re Enga in Montana says "I remember watching Susan Boyle at Celtic Connection here when she first sang for BGT. Americans were awed. She really is the reason why BGT became a hit show. "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "6/7/21 30 DB. Prompt' I like Susan Boyall she sings like an angel, my next hero and I'm eighty years old is Elvis I have him on my wall in my bedroom and say good morning Elvis when I awake."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "direct follow on Her singing was down to the American nation they loved her and they glamorised her and made her dream come true 'quote' Why have you come on this show?' Asked Simon Cowell, 'I want to become a professional singer..' Answered Susan."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "5/7/21 prompt 30 DB July. Quote x Factor show Quoted Susan Boyal a curly haired housewife and laughed when she came on stage, but when she began singing she sang like an angel.. In England people still laughed , but her singing career "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30DB OFFICIAL direct follow on wrong date should be 4/7/21"

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30DB July 3/721 This week has been quite a challenge, I finished a challenge I set myself in June 100 reviews. i COMPLETED them just 2 hours before the deadline. I was tired. July is busy month.30DB, 12 Tower monthly reviews, Nag school. wish me luck."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "3/7/21 30DB prompt Lord your heart burns with love Your arms open out to me today In return I will pray Lord your hearts on fire World peace you desire Still we complain And go to war again Lord each day I will pray My love for you Will never stray "

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "30DB 2/721 JULY PROMPT. On my day of me leaving school I went to school with writing all over my school uniform shirt, and was sent home. I left school before every other student LOL."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "On the way to the shop I stood on a broken bottle, and I screamed. A lady was sitting on the step at her door, and come to help me. She bathed my foot, and then I lost the money She gave me the 2 shillings and sent me to the shop."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "When I was a child I was raised by my granny and my aunts and 2 uncles, and auntie betty was the crabbit auntie. Auntie Jenny and Kathleen were sweet. Kathleen was my granny's youngest child and still at school. Auntie Betty sent me for tooth paste ."

Mary Ann MCPhedran says "Signing in 30 days official blog."

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