A Linerick is a Limerick written one piece at a time! |
WELCOME TO LINERICKS ... that's Limericks written a line or two at a time!
So whether you're that Old Lady from Aachen or that Young Man from Zurich or indeed anyone from anywhere in between, if you're addicted to Limericks, just add your line whenever! NOTES: For a quick refresher on how best to structure a Limerick, check out https://tinyurl.com/ykmpx2ym PLEASE DO NOT POST COMPLETE LIMERICKS. The main purpose of the In&Out is to share the blame fun, so please add just one piece at a time. If a fifth line has already been posted, please go ahead and start the next one off. OR ... feel free to add an alternative/additional fifth line if you like! To make for easier reading, please colour tag each first line. Linericks should be witty, with plenty of euphemisms and innuendo. Our 18+ rating means bawdiness is OK, but not as a substitute for cleverness; so please, NO gratuitous lewdness. PS: Having fun is compulsory! |
The day is coming for us Yanks (Dad ) the day upon which we give thanks (Dad ) There'll be Turkey & Yams // And musical Jams, (DS ) and lots of our kin who are cranks (Solace.Bring ) An old friend called by today (deemac ) A suggestion she wanted to display. (Dad ) she was sure she was right // and proclaimed in bright lights: (Rhyssa ) "Deemac! Please come out and play!" (deemac ) Tis said Texas ladies are feisty (deemac ) The kind that guys better be nice tae! (deemac ) If challenged to a fight / they'll scratch and kick and bite (Dad ) Seems an acquired taste, like ice tea (Roscoe ) I'm leaving, on a jet plane (deemac ) and the tune tends to drive me insane (Rhyssa ) Has it ever occurred //. just get on the damned bird (Dad ) To my existence, that song is a bane. (Dad ) OT:. Actually, I rather like the song, but just the same. (Dad ) On topic: Oh, don’t go trashing poor John Denver’s name (Allan Charles ) And have now just arrived here in sunny Spain! (deemac ) John was a great songwriter // and in Flor'da it's brighter (Dad ) Yep, I’m in Flor’da, the heat’s melting my brain (Allan Charles ) Though, for once, the weather is cool (Allan Charles ) So I may change from cotton to wool (deemac ) I’m shivering and freezing // but at least not pollen-wheezing (Allan Charles ) And with my blankets, I’ll still wake up in drool (Allan Charles ) Wreck the mall this Christmas season (Dad ) Smash things up without a reason (Dad ) Come spend with great folly / Last year's hard-earned lolly (deemac ) And then spend rest of winter just freezin' (Roscoe ) Or chill with me in sunny Thailand, (DS ) Go skiing in the Scottish Highlands (deemac ) Fly to Switzerland Friday / Learn to yodel like Heidi (deemac ) Or bask on the beaches in New Zealand (Dad ) D'ya prefer North or South Island? (deemac ) While yodelling one day in the shower (deemac ) the cat, from the noise, did cower. (Dad ) with a yowling protest // I shrank back, underdressed (Rhyssa ) Cat's lucky I wasn't yodelling full power. (deemac ) Off-Topic - Holiday's flying past far too quickly, it'll be Christmas soon and I'll be back home in the cold! This weary old traveller's battery's gone flat, (DS ) Nearly time to hang up his hat (deemac ) I soon turn sixty-five / Thank God I'm still alive (Dad ) A Linerick line-a-day helps with that! (deemac ) With sixty-fifth birthday come Medicare (Dad ) and buy more insurance so you have insurance to spare (Dad ) And can take up sky diving /or perhaps racecar driving (Roscoe ) and reach sixty-six in a motor-chair (Rhyssa ) Next up on my bucket list (deemac ) Is to learn how to dance the twist, (DS ) I threw out my back / thanks to the talent I lack (Dad ) I'd prepaid for the course so was pissed (Roscoe ) The next dance I tried was the tango (deemac ) Looked like I'd eaten a diseased mango. (Dad ) Argentine 'twas not // I moved like a 'bot, (DS ) that was rusty and needing some drain-o (Rhyssa ) So the merengue is the next one I'll try. (Dad ) Nothing could possibly go wrong, said I. (Dad ) And that's how I met / My um, chiropractor, Annette (deemac ) Who always cracks me up, I won't lie (Roscoe ) Christmastime is finally here! (Dad ) May Michael Buble' soon disappear (Dad ) the air's filled with carols // they've turned me quite feral (Rhyssa ) Mom's bought Dad this present, I hear... ... https://youtube.com/shorts/L256hI4oiTQ?si=V8pi9PbcWUddctVl (deemac ) OT: Grrrrrrrrrrrr (Dad ) As 2024 comes to an end (Dad ) Another year younger, I intend. (Dad ) To right all that's wrong // With Mariah's old song (Soldier_Mike ) Best wishes to all our Linerickers we send! (deemac ) We're back! With resolutions all set, (DS ) To make our 20th the very best year yet (deemac ) We often will post. /. On our laurels we shan't coast (Dad ) And perhaps our 50th rating we'll get! (deemac ) OT: (Dad ) I know that I have reviewed this (Dad ) Hugs! (If you don't mind I won't send a kiss) (deemac ) I'll even the score // and wish to do more (Rhyssa ) Thanks to Rhyssa and all, I'm in bliss! (deemac ) I find that by writing "Linericks (Dad ) my blocked up words are quickly fixed (Rhyssa ) And I find rhymes galore / For lines 3 and 4 (deemac ) with my metaphors thoroughly mixed (Rhyssa ) Fifty ratings and now another thrill (deemac ) We've just been nominated for a Quill! (deemac ) being goofy is tough. / I have to think and stuff. (Dad ) I will do it, yes, I will. (Dad ) These cold winters! I can no longer endure 'em! (Dad ) I've had it! I'm moving south to Durham! (Dad ) Is life really that great / in so-called tar heel state? (assuming Durham NC) (Roscoe ) If not, maybe Mom's presence will cure 'em? (Dad ) If it's true that life's best things are free (deemac ) And our grandkids are the best that we'll see (Dad ) Grandkids cost a mint // and they've left me pure skint (Rhyssa ) Thank Goodness I've only got three! (deemac ) They're called Curly, Larry and Moe (deemac ) Our three puppy-dogs on the go (Rhyssa ) They've made a mess of their food. // And on the carpet they've pooed. (Dad ) Much the same as their namesakes you know (Roscoe ) The thing that annoys me the most (deemac ) Is when that mutt o' mine starts licking my toast (deemac ) He slobbers on the jam // or he eats all the ham (Dad ) and goes crazy when I add a slice of roast. (Dad ) Total Displayed: 100 |