Jason stared at the frat boys as they were starting to look different. He couldn't believe his eyes; they were growing before his eyes!
Craig stuffed his face with pancakes and bacon, growing a belly packed full of both food and soft fat. His butt was starting to stick out and strain his waistband, and he started to pant from the exertion of shoving the food into his mouth so fast. His chin wobbled as his mouth chewed on its food, and his arms grew as well.
As for Rick, the once lithe sports star, his once defined muscles were slowly disappearing under his new layers of blubber. His abs were the first to disappear, replaced by a large spherical belly in his middle that continued to grow and grow. Then, his strong leg muscles were hidden by a growing bubble butt, also complemented with a new pair of fat thighs.
All of the frat boys in the room were getting fatter. Even though Jason remained the fattest, he saw that they were slowly but surely catching up...
A half-hour later, the feeding frenzy ended. Everyone besides Kyle, who had never insulted Jason, had stuffed their bellies silly, all of them now undeniably fat, bellies covered in stretch marks from overeating. They all groaned as several went around to find different places to lie down. Jason saw Rick take the love seat, the once-ripped musclehead now degenerated into a fatass lying on the couch. Craig just sat in his chair, his legs spread apart to make room for his belly.
The spell had worked well. Now the frat boys couldn't complain, nearly all of them overweight, just like Jason.
Jason sighed contentedly and went upstairs. Getting back on the spell website, he eventually found a way to cancel the insult spell. Although, he still felt like he wanted someone else to fatten up.
That's right; he wasn't done yet; there was still plenty more revenge waiting!
This time, Jason wanted to choose a specific target. Someone who should get even fatter than him, maybe even become the laughing stock of the college, possibly fatter than any other student at the school.
But who? Craig, who had been the king of fat insults in the frat house, or Rick, the once-lithe jock who cared about his physical performance than anything else? Jason felt like they both deserved it...
He brought up another spell. This one apparently could cause someone to fatten up to a specific weight over the course of a month, and you could even enter a preset for the specific weight you wanted them to gain to... "Chubby", "Obese", "Immobile", and even "Unrealistically Immense", among others.
First of all, the target. Who should it be?