"And the change begins right now!" Jason says out loud to himself. He hauls his overstuffed self out of bed, showers, pulls on his biggest sweat pants and t-shirt (the only clothes left that have any room), and heads down to the Frat kitchen where the weekend cook is something special...
Not too many guys in the Frat are awake this early on a Saturday morning, but Jason is a regular at Saturday breakfast - mostly because being stuffed so full on Friday night means that he never goes out instead hitting the sack early to sleep off his feed. Going to bed so full means waking up early and hungry and wanting breakfast.
The weekend cook knows him - it's hard to miss the few Saturday morning 'regulars', mixed as they are between the dedicated athletes and the handful of other frosh brothers, mostly fat, who show up - and the cook knows Jason usually just takes something small, a couple of fried eggs, some toast, some fruit, coffee. Jason knows the cook is happy to whip up more though - one or two of the other Saturday breakfast regulars are big guys with big appetites - so Jason takes a tray, grabs his usual cup of coffee - 'double double' - and stops in front of the cook to order. "Four eggs over easy, half a dozen sausages, two mcmuffins, bacon, six toast - I'll think I'll take a triple fruit salad too, and I might be back for more," Jason confidently says, as the cook's jaw drops.
Recovering, the cook says, "Feeling hungry today? Or did they skip last night's stuffing?"
"Nah," replies Jason, "I got stuffed last night, but now I'm hungry again. I've decided that if the Frat likes me stuffed, I'll going to stay stuffed - all the time! Load me up!"
"Good for you!" replies the cook, catching Jason't enthusiasm. "Let me rustle you up something special then - want to turn those eggs into a Western omelet? A BIG one?" asks the cook, turning.
"Sure!" says Jason.
"Good! Well, just load the toaster over there," adds the cook, "here's your fruit to get started, and I'll be back in a jiff with a super-deluxe Western designed to stick to your ribs, if not pad them over completely..."
The cook smiles broadly, and ....